Source Code

Mr. Dillons

A half bald teacher that likes to give lots of homework

Hi Mr. Dillons,

Mr. Dillons: meh meh bla bla bla I stink

by clappedcheeks May 25, 2022

alexis and dillon

are meant to be together.

me :you know how perfect alexis and dillon are.
friend: ikr so perfect

by Idekuh June 1, 2021

Dillon Colada

A drink at a gay bar

"Hey slam me with a Dillon Colada!"

by MynameisStrawberryLegs March 30, 2018

Dillon Francis Disease

A type of disease that makes your voice very deep.

Person 1: Yo, why the fuck does Jeef bergey sound like he’s on sulfur hexafluoride?

Person 2: Oh he just has Dillon Francis Disease.

by Drew Gorman August 24, 2022

dillon vega

A low-life swinousarous scumshit who dramaticates the very essence of his own rundown life with over exaggeration and incompetence. This fragile scrudgeberry shaft licker has a "hard time", when it comes to man hood, there for Dillon Vega must must remember mommy is always there to help when her bubblyboo is to busy unracionalizing basic properties of salvation. In other words Dillion Vega isn't a vagina, but if Jennifer Whatson and Simon Esner were in a room, she would be the guy doing you know what to you know who. The Asiayranian ecbleashin telemarketor in the closet watching your children dance to Little Einstiens like a beach marathan and the ice cream truck man had festilation ganausurations.

Billy~ Hey it's Dillion Vega over there !

Billy's Drunk friend~ I had a baby sloth who could fall over better than him.

Dillon Vega~ I haven't showered in months.

by Sloauch. March 23, 2018

Dillon's Challange

while having sex make as many animal noises as possible before the other person leaves.

"Dillon's Challange" dude while i was fucking this girl i let out like 15 animal noise before she left

by dillonBADASSARY4214 April 14, 2013

Dudes on me like Dillon

A man who’s always tryna hit & starts arguments outta nowhere

Having multiple men hitting your line tryna smash

Damn, Britney, these dudes be on me like Dillon

I got dudes on me like Dillon

by Is_aaah_murrrr___eeee September 16, 2021