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Filthy Verbosity

Refers to a manner of speaking in which the speaker/writer discusses ideas or uses words of a more intelligent variety while at the same time splicing in some fucking expletives to make the talk livelier and more accessible. The style was pioneered by comedians like the late great George Carlin.

Can you believe that fucking Nietzche? I mean, his existentialist philosophy negates the idea of a God while at the same time purporting that there must be some sort of shitty meaning or something to life. Like, fuck.

^This right here is some good old filthy verbosity.

by socialtheoristdouchebag March 4, 2011

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Filthy Wilson

A sex act. When you’re making sweet love to your lovers bung-hole from behind. Then you pull it out mid-coitus with their brown love juices on your grease missile. At this point take those chocolatey pastels and paint a Wilson face onto a volleyball like in the Tom Hanks movie. As you resume the hedonistic act and at the exact moment of climax, spike the volleyball onto your lovers back and cry out β€œWillllllsoooooon!” leaving a muddy facial imprint on their back.

Let’s go back to your place after volleyball practice so I can give you a Filthy Wilson

by ManleyGreaseMissile May 24, 2021

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Filthy Negley

A term of a woman with a "ratty" looking mustache that looks like a teenage boy's.

A Filthy Negley is a woman's upper lip hair that looks like a teenage boy's mustache hair.

by Kenji18769 September 8, 2006

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Filthy McNasty

Meaning a skanky person. You wouldn't want to touch him/her with someone elses hands.

Hell naw bro, I wouldn't even touch that Filthy McNasty biotch with your dick. She's had everyone's cock up in her grill}.

by SexyGreenEyez February 8, 2005

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Filthy Burgess

When someone smears hot poo on the back of your neck so it looks like a mullet.

I just recieved a Filthy Burgess.

by Richard M Burgess October 2, 2003

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filthy faggot

A faggot is a derogatory or slang term for a homosexual, that probably was derived from the British English term--fagging--where younger boys fagged for the older boys. These fags often were subjected to sexual abuse by the older boys. Likewise, the term faggot is a metaphor now applied as a perjorative to exceedingly promiscuous homosexuals who are deemed to be like a bundle of flaming sticks, tied together by obscene lust and depraved sexual appetites. The additional term of filthy is to distinguish such a faggot from those who merely prefer the same sex, e.g., fags or gays. Once the older boys defiled and spoliated the younger fags in Britain, usually by forcing them to receive unprotected anal sex, these younger boys or fags were now filthy faggots. Thus this is a perjorative term for a dangerous and reckless fag or faggot or any other person who goes fagging about.

He is such a filthy faggot!

by Mrs. Sajuaro September 22, 2006

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Young Filthy

An individual who loves to involve himself in grotesque and lude behavior, usually accompanied by a goatee.

"Damn that Tommy B is a dirty cat" " You know how young filthy do!"

by Avon.Barksdale January 7, 2010

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