Source Code

Goose Drive

When the person in the passenger seat steers the car with both hands while the driver accelerates.

Me and my girlfriend tried to goose drive, but we almost crashed into a tree as we left Rhode Island.

by Cow_Fluid December 10, 2021

groping the goose

Slang for a male masturbating or grabbing his dick

Random guy: my dicks raw after I was groping the goose

by gooser94 January 12, 2014

Goose guts

Thick, chunky splooge resulting from several days to a week of not ejaculating.

Gina was surprised when I coated her face with goose guts.

Johnnys girlfriend just got off her period, so she will be getting the goose guts tonight.

Loosing a stream of goose guts feels great!

by The Sloan Ranger May 16, 2017

The Goose-Man

A sex act involving a guy ejaculating on a girl's body without her noticing, then licking it off and pretending it never happened.

It is said that the origin of the word comes from the the french expression : "oiseaux mangeur", which means eating like a goose. Goose, in when eating together, tend to eat very fast as if they hide the food in their throats.

Hey! Did you pull out the Goose-man on me?

by ipcvideofilms November 15, 2010

36πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Saddle Goose

A fool.

Billy, maybe if you got rid of that rambunctious hairstyle you'd earn some fine females, saddle goose!

by CarsonDB November 9, 2020

33πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Trap goose

Lil Peep’s name before he decided to be β€˜Lil Peep’

Trap goose to Hanna his ex gf: β€œI think Im going to change my name to Lil Peep !”

by healizzle69 April 4, 2020

63πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

goose egging

When a man sticks his ball sack into a vagina

Ted totally was goose egging her all night long.He goose egged so hard that he manage to get testicular cancer.

by Peelz 4 Dead May 2, 2010

76πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž