When you accidentally send an 8 year old boy into space with a paedophile.
Narrator: A spokesman said "This is the one thing we did'nt want to happen"
Saying used by people (usually teens) who get caught smoking pot or vaping
“Yo you seem down today bro what’s up”
“Shit happens to the best of us.”
It canonically comes here when it feels like it, it only forgives you once, and you can't tell that it's him... And not ME Hym bit HIM him.... And not "Hyman" either... That fucking jackass...
Hym "Real cute but try not to do that to the thing that decides what happens to you when you die... Because you will die and blackness forever is going to be the best case scenario for some of you..."
They all love me...they all show love but until I see that happen, I am still the bomb, bruh
Either he engaged in DIRECT DIALOGUE with the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE... OR... HE DID NOT DO THAT. Maybe he had and appiphony and he considered THAT God. Maybe the bush had psychedelic properties and he got high and THOUGHT he spoke to the creator of the universe.
Hym "So, What happened when Moses spoke to the burning bush? Probably nothing. Burning bushes don't speak. The revelation he came up woth was in no way profound... Because they had JUST LEFT A CIVILIZATION... Where the laws were likely identical to the 10 commandments. And a better question than that would be 'If I went back in time and stood next to Moses... WOULD I SEE AND HEAR GOD WITH HIM?' Do you think... That a guy... SPOKE TO FUCKING GOD, JORDAN? And that God... SPOKE BACK TO THAT GUY IN DIRECT DIALOGUE? Is that a thing that YOU FUCKING THINK ACTIVELY AND ACTUALLY, JORDAN? Jesus fucking christ, it's like trying to get a special needs kid to admit to swallowing a lego! Did you eat that? DID YOU EAT THE LEGO?"
Hym "That isn't a response to the words I said Jordan! Did you eat the fucking- Spit it out! Spit out the Lego Jordan!"