A word commonly used when mistakenly guessing the animal "zebra" during the game pictionary.
That drawing looks like a "striped-horse"
dude 1: bro did you see that horse race?
dude 1: nah, did you bet again?
dude 1: yeah I lost all the money in my bank account
dude 1: stupid horse
Noun.1.1. A reference to the infamous Miss Power’s unfinished quote, “…big phat juicy horse co-”, which she stated after the stated rhetorical question, “you know what else is comfy?” She later clarified: “sorry it cut me off. I meant couch.”
Noun.2.1. A type of comfortable sofa-bed that features a saddle-like seat design to better support the spine treatment of people with scoliosis. Medically recommended by most doctors.
Noun.2.2. Relating to Noun.2.1., besides medically beneficial to scoliosis, it is rumored — commonly around southwestern Rocky Mountain region of the United States of America, specifically Utah — that this horse couch also promotes height growth up to 6 inches. However, this theory was not supported by any medical researchers.
Doctor Smith recommended the horse couch to better straighten my spine, I hope it works!
"So you're sorry, eh? Well, I say it's a load of horse potatoes. You don't mean it!"
An ugly tall peice of cotton candy with a big mark on her forehead who takes horse hair and uses it as her own her, then turns it into a maze. "Friends" with a girl with bloodshot eyes, buckteeth and a baby....
ACK! that girl looks hella like a horse!!
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A man who wears a silicone horse mask and dances around with friends who hold a boom box often playing dubstep. Party horses are quite popular at high school cross country meets. The horse and its maens are loved by all.
"Look at those cross country guys with the party horse, those maens are probably having a great time!"
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A sewer-dwelling horse who is watching you, RIGHT NOW.
Some of you might be doubtful. "A horse? In my sewers?" Well, it's more common than you think.
How common?
Have you ever seen the movie "Aliens"? City sewers are like that, but with horses instead of aliens!
Also, remember that horses have eyes on the sides of their head, so they can stare at you without pointing their faces in your direction. DON'T BE FOOLED.
Recent scholarship has determined that sewer horse must have water- and sewage-resistant oat bags. In Willard A. Paul's seminal 1914 book on the sewer horse, it was recorded that "horses, like men, fear the unknown - a long, cold night - Bess is poisoned - my master goes to jail."
And that remains as true today as it was when Willard A. Price got really high and wrote it down.
"Sewer horse watches
I would like to masturbate
But he never blinks."
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