An upcoming Cartoon Network show about a 12-year old girl called Tulip who is stuck in a train that never stops, accompanied by a little robot called One-One, in the pilot Tulip and One-One enter a train car with a Land called Corginia, home to Atticus (King of Corginia) and a lot of Corgis, No further spoilers. this show (coming to CN in 2019) has amazing potential, go watch the pilot.
Dude 1: Yo, have you seen the new cartoon network pilot Infinity Train?
Dude 2: No, What is Infinity Train?
Dude 1: shows pilot on phone
-after 8:37 minutes of watching the pilot-
Dude 2: forget adventure time and regular show, i need this!
Dude 1: Yeah right
bandaging up a permanent scar. pointlessness.
why doesn't rob get a nose job?
that would just be a patch of infinity
A term used for the endless amounts of toilet paper usage on your anus after an explosive shit.
The last infiniti wipe I had was after I ate at Chipotle three times in one day and I used an entire roll of toilet paper on that poop.
the ultimate insult blocks shilds and reflects no u's and UNO reverse cards
Guy 1: person below is infinity gay lol
Guy 2: *dead*
Guy 3: hey 911 yeah we have a dead guy here.
A brand that rocks your world by symbolizing a sense that we can truly rise above who are today over any oppression or any obstacle WE demand a better version of ourselves.
Guy 1: "nice shirt"
Guy 2: "Thanks count down to infinity is awesome like that"
A triple infinity. Mobius is a form of infinity that can be created with any hi fashion belt. Rainbows are infinite in their possible combinations of colors. Infinity itself takes many many forms in the subject of Mathematics and is often mistaken as an irrational quantity.
If used properly, the Mobius Rainbow Infinity can form an analogy for a 4-D infinity; which is larger than a purely geometric 3-D infinity.
Dang that Mobius Rainbow Infinity is O.P.