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Jew Christmas

The days immediately following Christmas when candy and decorations are on sale discounts

We need to get to the store to pick up what we need, it's Jew Christmas so all the good stuff will be gone soon

by Slickyricky March 29, 2017

5👍 3👎

Christmas Fly

Typically the day after Christmas, when one wears all of the new clothes they received.

When Julie came outside with new uggs, pants, and jacket, Maria knew she had her Christmas fly on.

by MariaWazzHere January 16, 2017

Christmas Gamerscore

n. The influx of Gamerscore on the Xbox 360 that comes in after you get games for Christmas.

Person 1: Yeah, how'd you get your gamerscore so high?

Person 2: It wasn't very high before the Christmas Gamerscore came flowing in.

by rdoneil November 29, 2007

Christmas carolophrenia

When the voices in your head will not stop singing Christmas carols long after the holiday has passed. The only known cure is listening to "It's a Small World"

I have a bad case of Christmas carolophrenia, I can't get Jingle Bell Rock out of my head.

by profga December 21, 2010

Christmas Rory

The Day before Christmas Eve

Let’s celebrate Christmas Rory tonight with a few glasses of the good stuff

by Bearbasket December 23, 2022

Christmas Caroling

Christmas caroling is an act of trolling during the Christmas season. This is done by singing at a strangers doorstep, and it can be done alone or in a group.

Christmas caroling is the oldest from of holiday trolling.

Emma: Shall we go Christmas caroling?
Emily: We shall!
Amanda: Bring us the figgy pudding or Saint Nick will kill you!

by AmeliaClear December 6, 2011

Christmas Blizzard

A sexual act completed in or around the Christmas period: after a person completes the act of fellatio, keeping the resulting semen in his or her mouth, the sucker then stands to be face to face with the suckee; the sucker then puffs their cheeks, mumbles "Christmas Blizzard!" or "Merry Christmas!", then slams their puffed cheeks with their palms, resulting in the semen spraying into the face of the suckee, not unlike a blizzard occurring in or around the Christmas period in the northern hemisphere.

"Santa Claus was highly surprised when Mrs Claus performed a Christmas Blizzard after Santa's post-present delivery blow job."

by CBEnthusiast April 25, 2014