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Juicy Johnson

When eating box (giving a woman head) sometimes spelling out letters with your tongue seems to be very effective. So that's spelling The word juicy Johnson has famously been the most effective.

"Hommie gave her the old juicy Johnson last night... she was screaming"

by Artoiz February 6, 2022

Gibby Johnson

When one has sexual intercourse with there partner on their parents bed and receives STDs in the process…or three.

Yo, you hear about my nigga Jerod, he pulled a Gibby Johnson.

by mikevickfan1 December 13, 2021

Baillie Johnson

An unholy ass nigga who is everyone's daddy and will fuck your sister without hesitation.

Damn that nigga done fucked my sister. What a Baillie Johnson.

by dumbassboihosnap November 5, 2018

Palmer Johnson

A euphemism for masturbation. A play on the words “palm”, because of the use of the hand, and “Johnson”, which is a slang word for the penis.

Thinking to self: Damn, I really need to fade the Palmer Johnson.

by OhNahBruh June 18, 2018

Swift Johnsoning

The art of rubbing your ass across the floor with your pants down while repeatedly saying "Oh Long Johnson"

"What are you doing here Taylor Swifting?"
"He's not Taylor Swifting, that's old stuff."
"Yeah now you do it while seeing how many times you can say Oh Long Johnson"
"Swift Johnsoning is the latest memeing craze!"

by Agnostic Priest January 22, 2019

Ben Johnson

Steroids, specifically winstrol

He swole AF, he's on the Ben Johnson
He was small until he found Ben Johnson

by Darren The Great June 2, 2022

Johnson Drips

When a man pulls up his pants shortly after pissing and a bit of urine comes out.

Jenkins was in such a hurry he pulled up his pants as soon as he was done taking a leak; Johnson Drips ensued.

by itreb ekim December 3, 2014