Source Code

kentucky switcheroo

When you have a broken item, buy a new one identical to it, and return it with the broken item packaged neatly in the new box to get your money back.

guy 1: I pulled a kentucky switcheroo on Best buy with my busted iphone case. They didn't say a word!

guy 2: Man, that's bunk! Someone else is gonna end up with your broken crap!

guy 1: Times are tough, dude. Recessionitis affects all of us.

by kons163 November 23, 2010

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kentucky rumbla

you sneak up behind a girl and you play with their boobs kinda hard ... although meant to be used on women it pretty violating if you do it to a guy

holly crap that guy just got a kentucky rumbla "also known as kentucky rumbler"

by Gary Michell June 1, 2007

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Kentucky Thumb

The action of having sex with a partner, typically from behind; where the person penetrating the female's vaginal canal, puts an unused thumb into the currently penetrated female's anus, rotating gently, firmly, in either counter-clockwise or clockwise(as if searching for Scott from Kentucky Ballistics' of YouTube.com severed artery in his tragic accident that we are all happy he has survived) until the pad of the thumb finds a pulse, or the member or devise penetrating the vagina from the anal cavity. once either is found, the penetrator is to thrust to the pulse of the female if felt, or exactly half the pulse of the one currently penetrating the female until the female achieves orgasm.

Was feeling kinda curious the other night and I gave her the ol Kentucky Thumb. she was a little taken aback at first, but was really more into it once I found the right rhythm. really ended the night with a BANG, and a need to change the sheets.

by JustFollowingDaGunMemes May 20, 2021

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The Kentucky Donna

Slight variation to the Kentucky Tractor Pull. Before sex, the receiver inserts a water balloon full of urine up their sphincter and holds it queue until they are ready to begin. Once ready the balloon is crushed by clenching the anal muscles, thus providing a lubricated and receptive environment for the tractor pull.

Can I barrow a balloon? It's my husband's birthday and I really want to give him a good pull tonight. He's very homesick and The Kentucky Donna really reminds him of his late mother.

by mexicansatan April 8, 2017

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Kentucky Waterfall

noun: A horrible haircut that is characterized by shorter hair on the sides and top, with long flowing(usually unkempt and greasy) hair protruding from the back. Usually sported by those either stuck in the 80's, drinking Natty Light, or driving a Camaro. Also known as a Mullet, Neck Blanket, or a Dirtbag.

Dude, check out that guy's Kentucky Waterfall flapping around outside the T-tops of his 1984 Camaro!!!

by BruinsFan78 August 21, 2003

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Kentucky Saddle

When you poop on someone's chest and the consistency of the poop resembles fried chicken.

"How did your date go last night"
"Pretty good I gave her the old Kentucky Saddle"

by KFC456 May 13, 2019

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The Kentucky Thumb

When you have life ending bleed and you stop it with your thumb while you wait for EMS

Coined due to Kentuky ballistics 50 bmg exploding and having to stick his thumb into his neck to stop the bleeding and ultimately saved his life

Just give it The Kentucky Thumb Before you bleed out

by Mob1leN1nja May 20, 2021

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