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Keyboard smashing

The act of combining letters symbols and sometime numbers to create a nonsensical sentence used to describe emotions to strong for words. Often used by gays, Twitter stans, and bottoms

Person A: Hey look at this Yeonjun Edit to that 6ft tall audio

Person B: Hghdugjeisgvbf

Person A: what..?

Person B: sorry, I was keyboard smashing

by Yeonjun is 6ft tall September 7, 2021

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Expertise in the usage of computer keyboards, especially through the use and knowledge of many "Hot Keys", i.e. combinations of keyboard buttons when used together to produce some given action.

The keyboard-fu move for this is Command + Option + Shift + s, which brings up the Save for Web Devices menu.

by Ben L in Paris November 20, 2007

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Keyboard Spaz

Someone who doesn't have words to express something and they pound on the keyboard to show how excited/angry they are. Can also be used as a noun to describe the text of a keyboard spaz.

-internet chat room-
Person 1: Did you hear? Someone baked a 400 pound brownie!
Person 2: 823yu4iwhjfkfisdhsadknf;sdjfhoasuidfhsa REALLY?!!!??!!?!!?!
Person 1: Keyboard spaz much?

by Mitchmich May 6, 2010

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keyboard cowboy

A somewhat lame but funny term uses to define hackers. Made popular by the movie Hackers.

?f$Q (not a real person that I am aware of) is a real uber 31337 haZXoR.


by HybridStrom June 26, 2004

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keyboard chemistry

The chemistry that comes from online datine.

"I have to say that I am feeling some great keyboard chemistry..."

by Josh Ginoza February 6, 2009

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Keyboard Dyslexia

Keyboard Dyslexia is an excuse for numerous spelling errors and random letters within words, usually in a word document.

keyboard dyslexia isd a excuse for numerouse speeling errorsd and rendom leyters within words, usually in a word documentr.

by corbane November 8, 2010

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membrane keyboard

A membrane keyboard is a horrible keyboard 8 year olds use because they think it’s good because it has rgb. It is not they suck they are the worst things to ever exist. If you have a membrane keyboard and like it I am going to assume you play fortnite and enjoy it.

I have a membrane keyboard! No one loves you.

by C8 TM March 11, 2021

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