Eww what are you looking at you really are a private story kind of guy
When something unbelievable occurs/ happens.
You are writing a paper on Microsoft Word and you computer suddenly shuts down and you lose everything that you typed. You can't believe what just happened and so you say "what kind of deal?!"
Trend that is mostly seen on the Internet. It means being overly nice to everyone and never criticising anything that someone created, even if someone is mean to you and/or others, you don't like thing that someone created, someone really need criticism and/or advice, etc. Toxic kindness is commonly used by teenagers and some young adults.
Random girl I: I'm really fat, even though I don't eat much and I go to the gym almost everyday. What should I do to lose some weight? :-(
Random girl II: Don't say that, I'm sure you're not fat! Everyone is beautiful!
Random girl III: Gurl, stop spreading toxic kindness and just answer her question.
What I call homo-sapiens who know the Spartans prayer: "Achilles, the frequency Auditor. Born by hands and killed by feet because he was so endowed in the trench that he was laid to rest so a female can portray the rest" and are addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Do you know the Spartans prayer and are addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person The Bay of Pigs Invasion (Jose Angel Castro To Angel Jose Robles's Kindness)...
A good one, right? Because the son is young, right? So he might not make it on the train ride there. BUT TO BE FAIR... I probably wouldn't want to stand in the middle of the train surrounded by people (for obvious reasons). Which means I would be standing by the walls of the cart. But that part of the cart gets freezing cold while the train is moving, right? So, I probably die immediately. But the daughter, if she's hot, is going to get singled out by the hyena of Auschwitz. That's a fact. But the kid, if he survives the train ride, he's likely not doing to get his ass kicked, right? People are going to give him their extra food. The kid will get a lot of sympathy.
Hym "So IF HE MAKES IT TO THE CAMP... He either dies in the chambers with everybody OR gets out with everybody. But the daughter is a toss up once she gets to the camp. It's hard to say with her after the train ride. Like, she could get hit with the wall of the cart shit but, really, I donno. It just seems less likely. But what kind of question is that? A good one. About Jew-death. Directed at a guy who is doing and employing people doing the thing you're doing. I mean, the hyena if fucking your ass up. If you make it to the camps you are not making it to the chambers. Matt's uppity so he doesn't even make it on the train. Sam pulls his whole Jewish swindler shtick and survives the longest out of everybody."
1👍 1👎
a confidence builder for anybody has any horrible SEX DEVIATIONS in LIFE.
Hey you know something as this is a real shocker but the MANDALAY BAY INVESTIGATION uncoverd something just now REAL HORRIFYING of STEPHEN CRAIG PADDOCK has no relationship to anything happened in his family as he plainly experienced a DOMINANT PEDOPHILE ECLIPSE exactly when viewing his BUDDY'S R0BBIE "PETER" WILLIANA live CONCERT on AUGUST 1,2,3 AT KNEBWORTH ENGLAND 2003 ON YOUTUBE and at exactly 5:14;to 5:40 when what happened as STEPHEN CRAIG PADDICK PADDOCK I is thinking imagine having this 666FAG as that RED ASSH0LE as him kicking(10:05) SHITEATER BITCH as just as ALAN I WALDMAN = STEPHEN CRAIG PADDOCK and that 61 on OCTOBER FIRST, 2017 with that SHARK SH00TER EL0N (10:51 PM)as the equation shifted to STEPHEN CRAIG PADD0CK = ALAN I WALDMAN as he shot into what he knew on SQUIRT TORONTO is not his mouth BUTT HIS STARTING ASSH0LE (10;15 PM) and let me make a point feds you have it all wrong as you major FUCKED UP THE INVESTIGATION as STEPHEN CRAIG PADDICK PADD0CK PADDOCK LOVED LIFE as do you understand as in this next UPCOMING URBAN DICTIONARY DEFINITION will prove the point as no relationship except CRIMINALITY which the majority we all are as we do have SOME KIND OF BRAIN to prove it.
Hey we all got SOME KIND OF BRAIN but mostly we are N0B0DY and KN0WB0DY but when we open up we are KNOWBODY and NOBODY.
To have a chin that one would like to bounce his/her ball off.
"Say friend, your wife has a very kind chin"
"Whatever do you mean"
"I would love to bounce my balls of it"
"Well, Thank you!"