In poker when someone has a pocket pair of tens.
Flop came out 4, 10 , A. It would be a shame if someone had lances
A little shit that never gets off of video games, and will most likely die alone. He is the son of an epic whore and is rude all of the time.
Kid:Hey Lance! Wanna go to the pool?
Lance if that requires going outside and socializing. NO I wanna play fOrTnItE!!! *crys*
A handsome and gentle boy who just loves to see people smile he loves people who understands him the most.
A emo who sweats doing everything
Person 1-Bro I finished the dishes in 5 minutes!
Person 2- You're such a lance
Lance is a Norwegian name that is mostly upper class, Lance is known as a lord. Can be harsh and can often be a name that appears in court. Over all Lance is an upper class elegant name.
“Salutations! Sir Lance! I have brought in another client!”
A guy who acts straight but blows his gay emo boyfirends back out