a preschool block that airs weekly on Discovery Kids and formerly aired TLC. It aired from 6:00am-9:00am ET (originally 6:00am-12:00pm) on TLC and currently airs from 9:00am-2:00pm ET on Discovery Kids.
On February 24, 2003, Ready Set Learn relaunched and added a new host, Paz the Penguin (it was previously hosted by children's entertainer Rory). He can be seen in the block's official emblem.
a preschool block that aired on TLC from December 28, 1992 to September 29, 2008 and Discovery Kids from 1996 to October 10, 2010. It ran from 6:00am to 12:00pm (later 6:00am to 9:00am) on TLC, and 6:00am to 12:00pm (later 9:00am to 2:00pm) on Discovery Kids.
On Monday, February 24, 2003, Ready Set Learn introduced Paz the penguin, who was seen in the block's official logo
Your goin to learn the lesson that is giving at that very moment.
(Jenny)But I don't know how to suck dick
(Him) you gonna learn Today.
Lua learning is easier said than done.
"Lua learning is easier said than done." -Anonymous
For students, this means access to everything from research materials and educational apps to interactive edutainment and open resources from prestigious universities around the world technology can help students by making learning more engaging and collaborative. Rather than memorizing facts, students learn by doing and through critical thinking. This could be as simple as taking an interactive quiz in class or participating in tech-enabled group discussions. Or it could be as involved as playing educational games, practising in science experiments in a virtual lab or taking a virtual field trip
Impact on learning through technology , for my child
(Twitch) A request for a streamer to learn a song on-stream. The song to be live-learned is usually not already on the streamer's songlist.
Live learns are $25. Please ask first to ensure it is appropriate for the stream.
Sideways learning, Perpendicular.
Fuck it, Perpendicular Learning in progress