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Engineering major

1. A major that many college students choose because it sounds cool and because they think they'll be making 100k a year after graduation. Most of them change their minds after failing Gen. Chem I and/or Calc I in the first semester. Those who do graduate realize their mistake when they realize that no matter how talented they are they'll have to start at the bottom for some company making 40k a year and work their way up just like any other hard working person.

2. A major that emphasizes way too much math and physics that will rarely be applied to a real world situation and not enough foreign language study, which would actually be useful.

3. aka Sausage fest.

Freshman Engineer 1: "I'm a mechanical engineering major. I heard they make like 100k to start

Other major Student 2: "Some of them do make good money, but engineering is a alot of work. Are you good at math?"

Freshman 1: "LOL no, I hate math. I'm a mechanical engineering major btw. Wha's your major?"

Other major student 2: Biochemistry.

Freshman 1: "Lame. You should do biomedical engineering. You'll make more money. The world needs more engineers you know."

Student 2: "True the world does need more engineers. Can you speak any foreign languages?"

Freshman 1: "LOL no I'm a mechanical engineering major. Not a lame communication major. Everyone should just learn English if they want to communicate with us."

Student 2: I'm sure you'll get far with that attitude.

Freshman 1: Woah bro, calm down. We got off on the wrong foot. Come to my party tonight and i'll make it up to you. It's an Engineering major only party, but i'll make an exception for you.

Student 2: No thanks, I hate sausage fests.

by GoAngelo2890 January 20, 2014

58๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž

Drum Major

A man that parades around the beach sporting a parade baton in his speedo swim trunks.

Jeeze check out the drum major over there he almost poked me in the eye with his parade baton

by Steev3d October 2, 2014

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A true oof is always a major oof.

YO dude, major oof

by floopydoop123 December 6, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Major Domage

When a female gives a guy good head. And a lot of it.

Man! Shaniece came over yesterday and we had hours by ourselves. She gave major domage.

by foxy2510 June 13, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

major teabager

King of all tea-bagin'

see: boston tea party and team teabag

'matt was fast asleep when rich decided to teabag him, he is a major teabager!!!'

by warren6983 December 8, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Drum Major

a selected person/few people who think they are God's gift to the band. They walk around the band room talking to the band director about "highly" important matters. They talk to other band members occasionally, but only if they have a special status, other band members are too lowly to talk to them. They also enjoy flaunting their reputation in any way possible. But when it all boils down, are not at all important because no one really watches them anyways.

Dan: I'm a drum major
Band student: why the freak would you want to be that
Dan: because Im cool
Band Student: u suck
Dan: oh yeah!? I'll have to talk to Mr. Band director about you!!
Band Student: oh yeah?!?! Your momma!!
Dan: *runs off crying*

by Clarissa August 1, 2004

50๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž

English Major

An English Major is a university student or any literate person who engages in close extensive reading. With their "expertise" in literature, they seem to think that they are experts of language and like to critisize other people's usage of the English language.

Can be applied to any one who judges word usage without at least a master's degree in Linguistics.

So the other day I was like totes and this total English Major was like "Totes? I see... A shorter more convenient form of the word: totally. This word is most commonly used by teenage girls.

The most obvious advantage of using this word is the time saved. Data collected at a prestigious university found that every syllable spoken takes approximately 0.14 seconds.

The same prestigious university also found that the average valley girl says the word totally around 190 times a day."

And I was like yeah umm I gotta go do an analysis in the acoustic phonetics lab. And the English Major was all like acoustic phonetta what?

by 1VicAsh1 March 14, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž