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Free kick merchant

Refers to an AFL player (typically a forward) who plays for free kicks to kick easy goals from set shots. The Australian rules football equivalent of a penalty merchant.

"Oh wow, did you see Charlie Curnow kick 6 goals on the weekend?"

"Yep, he doesn't deserve them, he's a free kick merchant"

by Alexedc3 April 29, 2024

Dunk Merchant

Someone who can only dunk. Can't do anything else, JUST DUNK.

Has no shooting, Unfixable Jumpshot and Negative handles

Guy 1 : Bro Roman Is such a dunk Merchant, bro can only dunk

Guy 2 : Ong bro such a wack player

by yoMeelo September 6, 2022

2012 merchant

A term used to describe Chelsea FC fans for their win during the 2012 champions league.

Typically used to make jest of or troll Chelsea fans.
Chelsea fans tend to bring up this trophy win during arguments with other fans

You Chelsea fans are just 2012 merchants.
They called us 2012 merchants, now look at us.

by June 2, 2021

Wind-up merchant

Dylan Evans

Don't answer any question from the wind-up merchant

by Shlag123 June 5, 2023

mackenzie merchant

A Mackenzie Merchant is someone who's selfish and doesn't care about others in their life and use people just so they can be happy without caring about anyone else's feelings.

I don't want that Mackenzie Merchant in my life anymore.

by IkWhoYouAre March 12, 2017

Niche Brand Merchant

Ross Letcher

A man that only wears niche streetwear brands

Shit bru, that oke is a real Niche Brand Merchant. He's wearing koikoi, salt and float together

by NicheBrandMerchantfan March 28, 2023

Dirt Merchant

A Dirt Merchant is a rare but real job in the construction industry. They find suitable dirt for construction jobs or just locations to dispose of excess materials. The person needs to know soil types and make on the spot decisions as to the dirt meeting specifications for the construction job.

I ended fill material for a job so I called a Dirt Merchant

by real jobs July 21, 2018