Source Code

Dickmunch mode

A state where someone starts saying unrelated scientific words or programming language really quickly to sound really smart or to annoy you. Words such as: Pi, divide, variant, calculations, technically etc.

Guy 1: Why did you say that?
Guy 2: Say what?
Guy 1: What you said a couple of minutes ago!
Guy 2: Well technically that doesn't exist according to my calculations to the inner global.multiply just divide it by 152 and take in the rule of formula x2 and the...
Guy 1: Oh God he's in Dickmunch mode!

by CawlofDooteyBwackCopstoo October 29, 2012

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Flight Mode

Getting ridiculously drunk to the point where you injure yourself and obliterate your surroundings as demonstrated by Denzel Washingtonโ€™s character in the movie โ€œFlightโ€

What happened to you last night.
Fuck knows man, must have engaged flight mode!

by Staifreak March 13, 2018

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sentry mode

Wearing only one headphone so you can still hear if someone is approaching.

John was wanking off in his room but was in sentry mode so he could hear if his housemates returned.

by 0tomot0 November 22, 2013

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Goon Mode

A person is in goon mode with respect to a material element of an offense when, acting without regard for anyone else's opinion and/or approval, he/she consciously disregards all material risks of his/her actions, especially those directed at third parties. While acting in goon mode involves a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would observe in the actor's situation, those in goon mode are respected by both friend and foe alike for their inspiring display of utmost vigor and determination.

You are at the bar and you're in goon mode, You don't know or care what people think about you. you are feeling the groove, grinding on some females and taking shot after shot. You run the bar/party that night. Goon mode makes everything possible. You are fearless.

Or in relation to sexual acts....during goon mode you're pounding pussy like a stone, licking pussy like a professional, sucking cock with the same skill as a porn star or dancing on a cock as your riding it.

by GoonSquad in the GoonCave December 1, 2011

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Grind Mode

Grind mode means to consistently work to achieve a goal.

Little Larska and his boyfriends are playing 300hours/2 weeks to achieve high top rank by abusing 3-man queue and probably some virgin metas. Grind mode is on!

by -iwnl-ily December 3, 2022

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God Mode

A term in gaming that generally means the player has 'godlike' power in the game, for example infinite health or ammo.

I gotta turn on god mode, I'm dying!

by Lewis January 11, 2004

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beast mode on

The act of turning on an inner psychological switch so that you instantaneously become a beast at any time. Can also be used sarcastically if you know you're about to do something dumb or unbeastly. Often turned on by rap music or whatever pumps you up.

John was always a weak kid, and he got picked on a lot. That is, until he turned beast mode on and got ripped.

by Beast Number One March 29, 2008

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