A person who works on ships for a living and loses contact with everyone on land. He or She also enjoys and milks the benefits of a life at sea
Man Andrew is one Nautical Ass Mother Fucker
Y'all are fucking degenerates ;p
Just don't fuck with the dü. He one crazy ass mother fucker. Oh ya and get a new dictionary mõth3r fûckēr
Making people like you so you can get them for everything they have or own.
SO how long you been rolling on a mother fucker to get all that?
Getting over on someone.
How long you been rolling on a mother fucker like this?
A gender neutral way to identify someone
Person 1: how are you mother fucker
Person 2: im pretty good
This is way better than this
Person 1: how are you dude
Person 2: I iDeNtIfY aS fEmAlE
Person 3: sToP dEmOnIzInG tRaNs PeOpLe By NoT rEsPeCtInG tHeIr PrOnOuN
Used as a greeting to a long lost friend after a long time - "mother - fucker" has nothing to do with sex with a mother.
Used as an exclamation: "hey!! I just won 14 million on the lottery!...". Reply: motherrr-fuckerr! or, you murrrer! (for short)
Also, say it with expression mother fucker! Or as a prelude to entering conflict with an enemy: "Come here mother fucker!!" That sort of thing. "He skidded on some diesel and hit the tree but he's alright": reply exclamation: "mother-fucker!"
Mother fuckers like your father. Think about it, he fucked your mom, right? That is how you are alive on this planet. Your father was indeed a mother fucker.
Son: Dad, you mother fucker.
Dad: I know, I fucked your mom.