An absolute idiot of a man who cannot comprehend the most basic of the English lexicon, let alone any tounges of which he is not native to.
Look, it's Nolan, did you know he's illiterate?
An idiot of a man who cannot comprehend the most basic of the English lexicon, let alone all the tounges of which he is not native to.
Look, there goes Nolan, did you know he's illiterate!?
one of the best people ever, i love you sm and i wish you the best, you are enough and you are literally stunning even though i don’t think i know what you look like <3
another huge celebrity i adore, he is also literally stunning and he deserves the world i love him
nolan is my idol
Nolan is annoying and will forgive a total asshole of a friend in a couple of days, if they were to stop acting like a complete asshole. He is incredibly toxic often, also, he is a total sexist. You do NOT want to be friends with him, he will become unbearably clingy, and if you say anything about it, he will get pissed at you and your friendship will never be the same, in fact you will learn to hate him and his assholery.
Sammy: Ughhhh!! My brother is SO annoying!!
Steve: Wow, he sounds like a total Nolan!
The best blood line n last name to carry...