Any situation, event, joke, etc. that is hillarious and almost magical at the same time; may excite such laughter that is likely to cause a bodily movement; taking it up a few nothces from just "regular funny".
"I met this talking little dog the other day, and he couldn't even spell Chihuahua! That's so voodoo funny I almost pissed my pants!
Noun. Synonymous with Ketamine. Named as such because Ketamine is often crushed into a powder for consumption, and has very intoxicating effects.
Brooo, you see that line I just took? I'm gone off that funny dust.
A Funny Bag is a multi-purpose device made from a disposal bag and made to entertain.
A funny bag can serve as a ball, a hat, a mask, a plate, a puke bag and basically everything that is funny.
You can also say: "Haha, you're such a funny bag."
Funny Bag is not just a gadget, it's a way of life.
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dis funny song will make u laugh
Finatticz - Don't Drop That Thun Thun
poop is funny and your cann'ot deny that
Improv funny means a person not actually being able to tell jokes but still is amusing to people who the said person is in conversation with , i.e. make the conversation funny through his or her talking skills but is never deemed funny by a whole audience .
That English guy wants to be a comedian , but I don't think he's even improv funny
(Fun-E-pranks) funny pranks is when you tell or act a joke or prank that you know nobody else will think is funny (ex. 911,the haloucaust)