Source Code

Blank Page Syndrome

When you open up a blank document and either forget what you were going to write or cannot start writing because there are no words on the page.

I couldn't start my essay for ages last night because I had Blank Page Syndrome.

by WingedFlame March 16, 2011

39👍 6👎

Infinity Page loop

A Infinty Page Loop occurs when a unsuspecting victim opens a book to discover someone has written something along the lines of "turn to page.{insert page number}.." with the promise of knowledge (Meaning of life, Phone number Ect Ect) or just for the hell of it.

After turning to that page yet anouther simular message is found and after that anouther this will continue till the victim is lead back to the original page were the whole process will start yet again.

Kate: Is Bob okay? hes been flicking through that book aimlessly for several hours now!

Rob: Oh hes stuck in a Infinity Page Loop, Hes been promised next weeks winning lottery numbers

Kate: Daaamn... should we tell him?

Rob: nah

by Maniacishere February 20, 2010

10th Page of Google

A reference to pornographic material.

l look on the 10th page of google when I am bored.

by The Redtuber October 8, 2009

42👍 6👎

best page in the universe

Best Page in the Universe is a website created by a writter called Maddox. This site features articles ranting about his hate towards children, old people, women, and the Titanic. He is an amazing writer who will bash the daylights out of anyone or anything he likes. There is a society called Mothers Against Maddox. This group tries to get Maddox of the internet, and want to shut down his site. His articles feature loads of foul language, and adult material.

Best Page in the Universe is THE Best Page in the Universe.

by Maddox4Everyone July 2, 2008

84👍 16👎

Peyton’s Popular Page

An incredible 11 year old YouTuber who makes all kinds of videos but mostly Roblox and Gacha Club. She makes Royale High videos weekly. She’s really kind to her fans. As of December 2, 2020, she has 820 subscribers, 115 TikTok followers, and 260 Instagram followers. She’s very funny and beautiful.

Friend: Have you watch Peyton’s Popular Page?

by Peyton’s Popular Page Fan December 2, 2020

21👍 1👎

paging Dr Freud

Say this when you notice that someone made a Freudian slip.

Girl: "Here's your test, good luck!"
Guy: "Thanks, I'll do my very breast.. er.. best."
Girl: "Paging Dr Freud..."

by zeptimius March 29, 2010

31👍 6👎

Page 119

The page that no matter how hard you try. you will always be stuck on, hear, and see.

Person 1: "Turn your books to page 126"
Person 2: "Which page?"
Person 1: "126"
Person 2: "119, Got it"
Person 1: "No, page 126 not 119"
Person 2: "I'm already on page 119"
Person 1: "Oh god."

by Catlord_heven May 22, 2022

1👍 3👎