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Peel an Orange in your Pocket

Meaning tight with money, selfish, unlikly to share with others.

Ben: "Paul can I have one of them sweets please?"
Paul: "Fuck off they're mine!"
Ben: "Tight fucker, you would peel an orange in your pocket!"
Paul: "Whatever"

by Ben Daniels December 14, 2006

52👍 21👎

peel yo wig back

To cause or inflict bodily harm to another individual and others

"Hoe I'll peel yo wig back if you don't get my money."

by Big Chan March 9, 2009

18👍 7👎

peel an orange in your pocket

to generally be a tight ass mofo who would never share his biscuits with u or such items.

Scott: Can i have a biscuit please??

Philippe: No, i bought these biscuits. They're mine!!!

Scott: U tight mofo, i bet u can peel an orange in your pockets!!

by a disgruntled worker March 8, 2010

11👍 9👎

Goat Peeling Apparatus©

The well honed instrument of the Goat Peelers. Resembles somewhat in shape a rotisserie barbecue spit with a large, razor-sharp blade attached. The Goat Peeler, applying acute precision and craftsmanship, aligns the blade according to the Goat's size, shape and coarseness of fur; in an equally timely manner counter-clockwise rotates the handle of the spit to which the Goat is attached, running the blade across the surface of the doomed Goat...executing in extreme prejudice, with the goal of removing the skin, fur and gristle from his subject without causing the Goat to expire during the process.

Jebediah: "Jared, have you sharpened your Goat Peeling Apparatus© for the upcoming competition?"

Jared: "Yeah, but I was so drunk off my white Irish ass when I did it that I'd better go over it again. Thanks for reminding me."

by Jeffy the Retarded Beaver August 15, 2007

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central peel secondary school

This school is hella poor and has some waste AP students who also hate being there. It's everyone who got rejected from turner. Mainly brown, but then there the gangsta wanna-be's who hand out in the front foyer after school and act like hooligans, and literally cause a fight every other day.

They cut HOSA and DECA casue turner gets all the money from peel and central gets nothing. its super old and is in desperate need of revonovation. The cafeteria lady charges for spoons or napkins because she claims the school is losing money. and the uniforms are tolerable.

its a great school for fat kids because there are just so many great places to eat nearby. and the 241 pizza is the last one open in brampton. but there's also the osmows and the lazeez, shopper drug mart, gas stations, mumbai masala, paradise chicken, KFC, mcdonalds, starbucks, tims, burrito boyz, fresh burrito, and like so much more.

Friend: Yo wassupp? what high school you at rn?
Me: Central peel secondary school
Friend: ewww central
Me: yea, but its not that bad fs

by dummy :) January 11, 2020

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peel the gum off the sidewalk

When your balls are sweaty and the skin sticks to one thigh and you pull it off

Oh man, hey I will be right back I gotta go peel the gum off the sidewalk

by P. Ennis February 26, 2017


stupid school that has school shooting like america trolololololol what a clown crap school you will try and commit suicide if you go to this school it is ran by depressed psychotic lunatics. D: it will make ur childrens become clownss when they grow up

Person: Hello, I go to peel park primary school yayyyy
person 2: u clown bahahahahahhaah

by Ihateschoollol October 26, 2019