"Sasha French is the definition of Petty"
-Every single person with a brain
When you complain about everything
Wow trapper wouldn’t shut the fuck up he’s so petty
maria and frank are petty individuals who need to get their lives together and stop removing themselves from groups when they’re mad at each other.
saying or doing something only because the other did or said it
“you’re a hoe”
“no you’re a hoe”
“you’re only saying that because i said it”
“yup i’m petty”
when someone says something because you did
“you’re a hoe”
“no you’re a hoe”
“you’re only saying that because i said it”
“yup that is definitely true, i am petty”
1. to get mad over the littlest things
2. blowing things out of per-portion
3. being childish
4. doing this just for a reaction
1. Ariana was being petty after the gym teacher didn’t chose her to be the team captain.
2. Ariana is a very petty person. Don’t be friends with her.