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Republic of Phrog Nation

A micronation in North America which claims territory in Southern California. Common abbreviations are RP and RPN. Commonly referred to as Phrog Nation.

The Republic of Phrog Nation declared "independence" on 19 January 2021.

by September 12, 2022

United Anti Amogus Republic

United Anti Amogus Republic is a fanon country islands located in South East Asia, one of the islands border Vietnam
The official language for it is English

United Anti Amogus Republic is a fanon country islands located in South East Asia, one of the islands border Vietnam
The official language for it is English

by Sel499 July 11, 2022

Olympian Republic

Olympian Republic, also Republic of Olympus, is the name of a fictional and hypothetical country, that's basically a mythical and esoteric version of Greece that follows Olympianism and its main politics and as state religion. Olympian Republic supports the restoration of all ancient Greek temples and the reformation of Greece into become a full Olympian and ancient hellenic world adapted for the modern times.

"The Olympian Republic is the only way to make Greece great again and make Greece into a world superpower."

by Full Monteirism June 3, 2021

Suquelish Republic

The Suquelish Republic is a Church and Micronation founded in 2015. The new country project and church movement seeks to create a new nation and people among the earth. The Church and nation declare themselves independent and sovereign under international laws and a unilateral declaration of independence and rule as De Jure and De Facto.

The Suquelish Republic people are a strange and peculiar group of Christians.

by Robert Smog May 31, 2023

People's Republic of Rio Doce

The People's Republic of Rio Doce is a name of a hypothetical country, puppet of the People's Republic of Espirito Santo, that is correspondent to the region of the state of Minas Gerais, it's basically Minas Gerais being puppet of the People's Republic of Espirito Santo or a union between the People's Republic of Espirito Espirito and the People's Republic of Minas Gerais. The People's Republic of Rio Doce is also used as a justification of the People's Republic of Espirito Santo for annex part of Minas Gerais to Espirito Santo and make the rest of Minas Gerais as puppet.

"The People's Republic of Rio Doce is allied with The People's Republic of Espirito Santo and both fight for make Latin America socialist and enable the creation of the URSAL."

by Full Monteirism June 3, 2021

Democratic people’s Republic of Korea

A democratic country with elections held every 5 years with one canidate

“The democratic people’s Republic of Korea is democratic

by Soviet 7k on October 12, 2023

Republic of Macedonia

The Republic of Macedonia, currently also reffered to as Republic of North Macedonia in a professional context (due an agreement between Macedonia and Greece) is a country in Southeastern Europe. Macedonia is known for its rich history and culture, the friendly and welcoming people and its beauty. Many experienced travellers describe it as a hidden gem in Europe.

I travelled to the Republic of Macedonia last week.

by Rabennarbe June 30, 2022