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With all due respect

The only time you would use this little phrase is when you are going to insult someone to the point of pissing them off. Just because you say it doesn't mean you can say whatever you wish afterwards, and if someone has a comeback to your insult you can't throw it in their face that you said, "With all due respect." You should use this phrase wisely, you might piss your girlfriend off with it! :-)

Anthony-"With all due respect, you three look gay..."

Kylie-"Don't even get us started on you!"

Anthony-"I SAID WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, that means i can say what ever i want and you can't get mad or offended. you 3 look like tools!"

Kylie- "And just because you said, "with all due respect" it doesn't mean you can say whatever you want it simply means, CAUTION I'M GOING TO BE AN ASS WITH THIS COMMENT AND I WILL REGRET IT LATER!!"

by Boycotting You! September 4, 2008

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a healthy appreciation and humble high-regard for the female

"That UD Dick thinks tits are a joke. He submitted 'humortits':
humorists who think tits are some kind of joke."

"Dig, saw that. That UD Dick's got no tit-respect.

by Steed F. Dropout September 4, 2012

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Respectful image

There's a difference between having the image of someone that respects someone or something and actually respecting someone or something.

He/she didn't hold anything sacred enough to respect it, no matter what respectful image people saw on the surface.

by The Original Agahnim June 14, 2021

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Respect my authority

one of Eric CartmanΒ΄s many catch phrases in the show of South Park. the phrase is used to enforce a sentence that is used to tell someone to do so something

–He does never listen.

–Once I kick him in the nuts he will respect my authority, just go to him.

–no way dude.

–Respect my authority!

by Stanley March March 7, 2017

City Side Respect

A cultural slang originating from the southern part of Montreal. Often used by street hockey-playing teenagers who get cross-checked to the floor by their friends, and land next to the sidewalk.

Shel: Why would you cross-check me to the floor?

Dom: This is street hockey, get used to it.

Shel: Start showing some City Side Respect or else you won't be getting any from me.

Dom: City Side Respect isn't a thing, and it will never be a thing, ja feel?

by JWalker September 30, 2015

City Side Respect

A cultural slang originating from the southern part of Montreal. Often used by street hockey-playing teenagers who get cross-checked to the floor by their friends, and land next to the sidewalk.

Shel: Why would you cross-check me to the floor?

Dom: This is street hockey, get used to it.

Shel: Start showing some City Side Respect or else you won't be getting any from me.

Dom: City Side Respect isn't a thing, and it will never be a thing, ja feel?

by JWalker September 30, 2015

City Side Respect

A cultural slang originating from the southern part of Montreal. Often used by street hockey-playing teenagers who get cross-checked to the floor by their friends, and land next to the sidewalk.

Shel: Why would you cross-check me to the floor?

Dom: This is street hockey, get used to it.

Shel: Start showing some City Side Respect or else you won't be getting any from me.

Dom: City Side Respect isn't a thing, and it will never be a thing, ja feel?

by JWalker September 30, 2015