Square butt syndrome. a symdroms in which your butt is a perfect square
Jennifer Lawrence has a serious case of SBS
When its a hot day, and your ballsack gets sticky and starts sticking to your thighs
Juan: It sure is hot today, Ive got some major SBS
Orion: SBS?
Juan: Sack be stickin
Send back streaks
Means when you send streaks on snapchat and wants them to send back
Send back streaks
Shortened for = sbs
The trashy company that ruined red velvet’s comeback. They also ruined the lifes of reveluv (mostly the gays). They are pakening shet. Sbs is mostly combined with the word “trash”
wow sbs fck y’all
sbs rot in hell
SBS (sloppy butt syndrome) is the moment when you make a sloppy poo and your butt is a mess and it takes several wipes to clean it.
1. SBS (Seoul Broadcasting System)
2. SBS Australia
and it's two televisions that using SBS name
Kim: Mom, Can i watch SBS
Mom: Okay what are you watch sbs
Kim: Because I want to watch The Penthouse
Mom: Sorry Kim, You not enough age to watch The Penthouse because the age rating saids 19 and you are 15
John: Let's watch SBS Sports today
Jane: But honey our news
John: Oh yes Australian News
Jane: I love SBS News
John: Mee too honey