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From the same Father who didn't Bother

Describing that you ARE related by someone who has the same Father, but he was NOT present in neither of you lives

Wecome from the same Father who didn't bother !

by Dewars July 7, 2010

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Yeetus McGeetus the Fetus from the same Uteritous

A genetically related sibling from the same mother.

She's my Yeetus McGeetus the Fetus from the same Uteritous!

by YeetusMcGeetus March 21, 2019

Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny and Canny at the Same Time

This is like the fusion sequel of the meme Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny where Mr. Incredible progressively becomes more and more traumatized and ascends simultaneously, which can lead to him becoming potentially insane both inside and outside the mortal realm and the universe itself.

The meme has reached the point where people fusing the same level of phases of 2 versions of Mr. Incredible Becoming ??? Memes combined to uniquely milk the meme. This form of the Mr. Incredible meme is only used in template-like formats.

Has the meme died yet?

Nope, there's Mr. Incredible Becoming Uncanny and Canny at the Same Time, giving more people ideas to uniquely milk the meme

by SBG times March 19, 2023

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wow i been asking for the same thing deliver deliver

Wow I been asking for the same thing deliver deliver

Wow I been asking for the same thing deliver deliver

by Wow I been asking for the same October 27, 2017

you must use the same email per name

Desparate times require desparate measures.

Hey Aaron, black kat is the only trouble maker left, so dump the bitch already.

by This isstill Black Kat May 3, 2005

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Some new guy different person same named Kris Wu

Some new guy different person same named Kris Wu

Some new guy different person same named Kris Wu

by Handle100 August 8, 2023

Like/more than/same as I think you're dumb

1. (slang) Used to give emphasis

Girls: Your wife is pregnant Like/more than/same as I think you're dumb
Rehan: Pregnant cats are not for girls

by JayMoneySpamsL2 February 19, 2019

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