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dead man sesh

When someone has a party but doesn't invite everyone who is part of the regular group. This causes the sesh to be boring as major people aren't there so it's awkward and uneventful.

Why is Lizzie having a dead man sesh? I heard she's only inviting 10 people what a joke

You didn't miss anything at the party it was a dead man sesh

by vxnxs77 February 25, 2022

Pimp pop sesh

When two or more teenagers use a mirror to pop pimples at the same time

Usually before school of some other social event

" Hay guys, let's meet round at Jared's for a Pimp pop sesh before school"

by Model.Citizen May 22, 2021

Sesh lord Forde

Sesh lord aka Rebecca Forde absolute buzzer hit her up fer the old sesh der and if ur not a Forde ur not no one so.... *warning* may be caught singing various tunes such as baby shark and catch and release etc.

β€œSham there’s sesh lord Forde act cool Jeffrey”

by 42dicksinabag September 24, 2018

Hook up sesh

The act of hooking up or getting with someone.

Hey you wanna meet me tomorrow for a hook up sesh?

by Legalized December 5, 2011

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

chill boner sesh

A sesh where everyone has their boners out. But it's chill. No homo.

Dude that a chill boner sesh last night. We should all hang out again soon.

by chillBonerSesh July 14, 2014

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Someone with a short temper, quick to start verbal disputes but retreats as soon as it turns physical.

'Sesh-head' is apparently now used to refer to teachers, though in a looser sense.

by Anonymous User Person March 22, 2008

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fatty dome sesh

Getting a quick dome sesh from a bangin hot babe

Before the game I stopped at her house for a fatty dome sesh.

by AHeims November 2, 2006

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž