it’s a sentence which describes fatherless kid and no life black figures.
Player 1: hey you suck.
Ha! It's hilarious that this is the topic because (believe it or not) I was going post this exact thing today but I fell asleep. That's hilarious! Damn... This is way less good now... Damn! Really! I was really thinking about this all night at work! Fuck me... I can't believe I dropped the ball on this one! It would have looked so cool because I totally would have preempted you thing. It would have looked like I have the ability to know the unknown again. Fuck!
Idiota "YoU sHoUlD kNoW wHo YoUr AuDiEnCe Is!"
Hym "I don't give a single fuck about who my audience is! I was ambivalent about it. (In the same way you were ambivalent about the outcome of my life) I don't care. This is intended to be REGARDLESS of who's listening. Like a soliloquy. 🫷😒 (The Jews don't like that I commited Fagan). But seriously... You're angry I fucked up your indoctrination! That's hilarious!
Idiota "If only we could indoctrinate the children right! Then everything would be great forever! I want them to think things they no longer think!"
Hym "Well... I guess it sucks to be you. Nobody want to exist with your indoctrinated fuck trophies. You been indoctrinating them wrong for millenia. Never once has it worked. It lead to THIS. Your need for ideological control is a repugnant miasma that I refuse to wade through. And that retarded bitch shouldn't have been stalking me. Someone should have told the truth sooner. You have no one to blame but yourselves. So, fuck you and your kids. Here. 🖕 Here's that. You can have it. Oh! And here's one for your kids 🖕. There. Now you both have one."
Thanks Dave! I've been meaning to do this one for a couple of days.
Gayve "Why should people listen to you?"
Hym "I'm not making them. Their doing it of their own volition. What gives you the right to stop them? Are children LEGALLY INCOMPETENT? They like it! The little kiddos like what I'm doing to them. It's almost as if.... I'm a retard in a group home............... and I'm having women scheduled to come fuck me. And YOU'RE trying to stop me from fucking them! Ohohohohohoho! See that!? See how that works shidiot?"
Kissing-cousin to the much-overused "missed opportunity" ditty, and refers to where a hot stud palpitatingly wonders if it would be both possible and advisable to ask for intimacy from a particular girl whom he greatly admires/desires, and then gets a major hard-on as a result of said thought process.
Some people think I'm nuts to wear ultra-baggy clothing whenever I go out looking for some nice sweet a**, but I feel like it's worth it and then some, knowing that I won't get the acute embarrassment of being too "obvious" in public if I get an involuntary "could he, should he, woody" reaction at any times during said endeavor. And besides, da ladies don't seem to mind or even particularly notice --- none of them have ever commented about an overly-visible "glad to see you", nor has any gal even asked me why I was wearing such an oversize outfit.
A way of asking a question or informing someone about something.
Example A: Should i ask Riley on a date?
Exapmple B: You should ask Riley on a date!
"Should" being the operative word (as Sam would say)
Hym "I SHOULD need to be alive to harm them... But I don't... So..."
Is/Will definitely not. Contrary to it's primary definition, when used in project management, software development or general troubleshooting, this term converts to the opposite of it's intended use.
Example 1
Tom: I've fixed a few things. The system should be up now.
Sarah: Thanks! Wait, it still doesn't work.
Tom: Oh sorry, I should be able to get it working before I leave for vacation.
Example 2
Amy: The project should be done by the end of March.
Greg: (In September) We've encountered some unexpected delays in the project and are a few months behind.