😱:《¤》Lo《¤》 Meto《¤》Te《¤》lo《¤》meto《¤》te《¤》Lo《¤》Meto《¤》Te《¤》
Cat-kitty-cat, cat-kitty-cat, cat
Si saco las unas te puedo aranar, cat kitty cat cat kitty cat cat is not an inside joke its just cute ok?
A really queer song about drinking diabetes juice made by Coca Cola corporation, targeting vulnerable Mexicans and Latinos
Extremely Gay Twink: Te mueves tú, se mueven todos
Me: Fruity!!!!!!
Trans:I've shaved him.
We only use it to our sworn enemies .It is used to tell your enemies that you will wipe them from the face of the earth.
Me:I've got my driver license.
Father:I won't buy you a car.
Me:If you don't buy me a car ,te-am ras.
It can be used in two ways: good or bad. This phrase is used when you do something really good or something really bad.
"Mamá, choqué el auto"
"¡Te pasaste! ¿Cómo erí tan irresponsable?"
"Saqué puntaje nacional en la PSU"
"¡Te pasaste!¡Erí seco!"
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