Source Code

Strong Man

Another name For Tim Weidenbacher

Check out that strong man at North in the gym, pumping iorn!

by Jamal Jefferys March 23, 2007

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Strong Mad

used to be the champion but got beaten by the tire

strong mad vs the tire

by UHHH October 13, 2003

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Strong Mad

Bald, Brock Lesnar look-a-like from homestarrunner.com with a singlet and some peculiar boots. Like crushing, I mean, folding paper.

"This is a Lotus Flower! This is a Praying Mantis!"

by The Nebagram November 24, 2003

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Strong Mad

Strong Bad and Strong Sad's brother. He's really stupid - almost as stupid as homestar runner!

Iss your refrigilator running? (Man, Strong Mad! You can't do that one to an anwering machine!)

by Evan March 29, 2003

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Strong Sad

Gron Sad, aka The Wiggety Wiener, aka Strong Sad

"Is that you Julian Sands?"

by Piet Pompies May 11, 2004

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Strong Mad

2. Has attempting to type at least once, but was only able to type "asdfdfafasdfdsa"
3. Definately one of the cooler characters on Homestarrunner.com, but the Cheat says so.

by Meow August 12, 2003

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Strong Badia

Strong Bad's hometown, with population tire. Really this is a misnomer, because Strong Bad and the Cheat also live there. Rumor has it, that in two years the population will triple to Tire, Bundt Cake Pan, and Coach Z.

Strong Badia will also develop a world-class hole and a mural to compliment the existing landscape of cinder block and stop sign. Strong Sad can be seen there as well, but he takes away from the landscape. Maybe someday, someone will throw the tire at him.

Very few things are as beautiful as the flag of Strong Badia, with possible exceptions including Princess Sarah, the Wonder Twins and Janet Reno.

Another rumor has it that West Denmark declared war on Strong Badia, and kicked the Tire.

Scott Baio and I plan on eloping to Strong Badia. If only Krusty the Klown will do the wedding service.

by T. J. October 30, 2003

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