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Rude Boi

Rude by name, and an absolute wrong’un by nature. You can find him drinking a can of hooch, not paying his child support or sneaking away from social gatherings without sayin goodbye. He loves raves, dnb and listening to Miley Cyrus on the sly. Overall, he’s a bit of a prick, but his rude gurl wouldn’t be without him.

Phil: hi, I’m Rude Boi, JD please
Bartender: ok, would you like a single or a double?

Phil: yeah I am actually. By the way, where did you get your glitter from?

by Beany Josh December 16, 2021

Rude melon

An overtly unstylish or offensive looking human head.

Eugene’s rude melon is a result of him trying to self-style with an electric hair clipper while drunk”

by Zeng78 May 15, 2022

Rude Monster

Someone who is being rude and a monster.

"Chloe's being such a rude monster rn..."

by PoobyThornley April 17, 2023

rude dude packa food dude

A term of endearment. Something you call someone as a friendly tease.

Sally: You've always been such a Rude Dude Packa Food Dude, Ginger.
Ginger: Thanks Sally. I love you too, you Buttface!

by SweetPieLover May 26, 2014

Be rude to your gf day

On feb 3rd its national be rude to ur gf day

Bf: Hey Ur a Bitch!
Gf: What! How dare you
Bf: It's Be rude to your gf day

by assb February 3, 2025


An adjective used to describe extreme rudeness. This word also denotes an attitude by the speaker, and is often accompanied by a hip/finger shake. Used most notably when one is inebriated. Origin: In the game, Turette's, when you have a 3 card...a player can exclaim, "Tuh-rude!" Also useful when sleeping on a squeaky cat pillow.

That questionably gay man in the yellow shirt last night grabbed my butt. Tuh-rude!

by Jiggawhat???? July 16, 2011

Rude witty

The "Rude witty" is when, in order to end a conversation or argument, one pulls their pants down, turns around, and bends over to reveal their buttcheeks, after which they start to drum the William Tell overture on both cheeks.

There is also the extreme edition, which is where one farts the brass sections of the song, and manages to finish the entire piece before the other person walks off.

Right when my boss was about to fire me, I broke out the full extreme edition of the rude witty, and left the office with dignity.

by Cap'n Derp July 4, 2011