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bitch on roller skates

1. A bitch. Ill-tempered, nasty, always spoiling for a fight, looking for a way to run someone else down, or taking something the wrong way. May be either gender.

2. A fast-moving bitch that will roll up behind you and smack you in the head (verbally or otherwise) without warning and for no good reason.

3. A bitch who can't stand it if he/she isn't getting all the attention, all the time.

In any "reality TV" show, there is at least one "bitch on roller skates" who can't get along with anyone else and always has to be the center of attention.

by tangledupinbloo December 8, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

u gotta skate

gotta be chill and be cool skating hella hard = meatshot 8)
a useful skill toi have

broski dont be playa hating fosho u gotta skatez mannnn

oh shit carnage just meatshoted that foo he be skating fosho

damn man that kid is skatin hella hard

by pikachu-___;;;;; December 18, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

figure skating

the thing that slutty girls and gay guys turn to when they want to play a sport on the ice and they fail at hockey i mean if you want to twirl around just go do cheerleading and you dont have to be a complete retard and freeze your ass off while you try to seduce guys.

Figure Skater: Hey why don't you do figure skating?

Cheerleader: I know that people call us cheerleaders retarded because we are, but we're not that dumb to wear mini skirts inside and freeze our asses off while we can just jump around in our mini skirts outside too!

by hockey player :) February 17, 2009

54๐Ÿ‘ 785๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pregnant Roller Skate

A 1970s CB slang for Volkswagen (VW) Beetle

Back in my trucker days in the 70s, we used to call Volkswagen Beetle cars, Pregnant Roller Skates.

by ghostqueen September 24, 2013

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Skate Shoes

Skate shoes were originally made for people who skate boarded, but now they are made for, and I quote from a friend, "Bell ends who want to look like they are gangsters by showing that they can roll along on a piece of wood with certain shoes, when these shoes do jack shit to help but just give the companies more money."

Person 1: I'm gonna be so MLG pro by grinding this board with dees pimp skate shoes
Person 2: It's a piece of wood...with some wheels....and some overpriced trainers made by chinese kids in sweatshops.
Person 1: Nah man it's the skill brah
Person 2: What....it's basically a scooter for older faggots.

by A Genius of Life February 25, 2014

2๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ambler Skate Park

A skate park that was built in the "hood" part of ambler. Always crowded and filled with skateboarding junkies, almost all of whom are white. It is a very nice skate park with granite ledges, rails, ramps, and stair sets. It has also "revived" the area a bit and put a stop to some of the crime in the area.

"Yo you wanna go to ambler?"
"Nah, I heard its all crime and hoodlums."
"Not anymore dude,that Ambler Skate Park really has put a stop to some of it"
"Really? Ok sure, I'll go grab my board".

by AlecFilmz December 15, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


When the weather is very bad and you can't skate for a long time and you get very very pissed!


Dude lets go to Brors and skate in his basement, i have skate-o-phobia right now!

by rgeafdv February 13, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž