Wow isn’t that jevo
Shhh she’s the biggest muppet ever
When you give someone a rimjob with a sock puppet.
That gir the other night took off her sock and gave me a Stinky Muppet.
The feeling you have when you are so angry that you feel like you could punch an innocent and adorable character, such as one of Jim Henson’s Mupppets.
I’m so mad, I could punch a Muppet!
1. To strike someone through any part of the body of another.
2. A specific form of hamfwamf, where the weaponized motherfucker is somehow worn by the attacker.
Observer 1: “Did you see that? He punched that dude’s head into that other dude’s head!“
Observer 2: “Fuckin’ muppet punch, man.“
Observer 1: “What?”
Observer 2: “You know, like, he’s got Kermit on his hand, and fuckin’ Kermit’s like...” makes a headbutting motion, that would be a punch for the puppeteer “Fuckin’ muppet punch, man.”
Observer 1: “Why are you like this?”
A completely brain dead imbecile.
That dude is a real Noodle brained muppet.
When you are so whiny when it comes to handling being criticized that you think that the person criticizing you is harrassing you and you threaten to take action even though it is an empty threat.
Oh boy, there she goes Muppet-Helling.
When a person inserts there entire hand up someones ass and proceeds to spell different words using sign language while the "Muppet" tries to guess the word correctly. Each word guessed correctly is a point.
Last night I got six points playing Muppet talk ! And one of the words was hippopotamus.