Source Code

Sneaky Link

When You Agree To Meet Up Have Sex Build A Secret Emotional Or Physical Bond With Someone Other Than Your Known Partner Of Course Without There Knowledge

Elainey: Me An A Wopstxr Have A Sneaky link
Ellie: Good luck for your cervix we had one last week

Elainey: Y’all have to stop now we are Sorry My Sneaky Link

by iCloudHacker1 May 18, 2022

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Sneaky Shorty

Doing something tha easy way

They wanted me to run 3 miles across town I said fug that and sneaky shorted a taxi cab

by shanty May 13, 2003

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sneaky didge

The unexpected insertion of one's finger or thumb into another's anus.

I was going down on her and slipped the sneaky didge. She went wild!

by crimzizza September 14, 2009

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Sneaky Burrito

When you unsuspectingly roll yourself and someone else up in a thick blanket/comforter until you're both wrapped up like a burrito then you fuck them in your blanket burrito.

Im gonna try to sneaky burrito her ass tonight when we Disney+ and bust.

by Ceramic Dragon April 11, 2020

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Sneaky Roshan

The act of licking someone's perineum with the addition of chilli oil (or similar) on your tongue.

"Man, last night I gave my girlfriend a Sneaky Roshan... she was super pissed!"

by siferz August 22, 2017

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sneaky kiss

n. when you go to kiss someone and then sit on their dick instead

I gave Justice a sneaky kiss last December, and he LOVED it.

by sweet.potato October 2, 2017

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sneaky grouch

A little sket called Oscar Wilson

A man who makes out with many men at a time

Oh look at that sneaky grouch over there

by SneakyGrouch June 24, 2017

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