the Legendary moderator of r/okbuddyretard
Retard : God I hate r/okbuddyretard and doctor penez
Epic Gamer (wholesome) : bro you're so cringe!
Big Chungus : UwU
The 12th Doctor is from a TV Series Doctor Who, and he is played by Peter Capaldi. The 12th Doctor is a time traveler, which he uses his TARDIS to time travel, just like many other doctors. The 12th Doctor originated from the planet Gallifrey.
Have you seen the show Doctor Who? Well, my favorite doctor in that show is the 12th Doctor, played by Peter Capaldi!
A FANTASTIC TV Show with countless audio dramas, comics, and novelisations.
Note: Side effects of watching include being incredibly scared by four successive beats, statues, mysterious cracks and gas masks.
Me (from upstairs): Hey, I’m being extremely clever up here and there’s no one to stand around looking impressed, what’s the point of having you?
Idiot: Was that a doctor who reference?
Me: Affirmative
Idiot: Was that ANOTHER one?
Me: Correctomundo! I shall probably never say that word again.
Idiot: Argh! Stop talking in Doctor who references!
Me: What are you going to do, moisturise me?
Idiot: Wait, I think I’ve seen that one. What happens again?
Me: Spoilers.
Idiot: Okay, now just go away.
Me: Brilliant! ALLONS-Y!
The Thirteenth Doctor is a asexual lesbian character in a british tv show called Doctor Who. She is in love with her best friend and companion Yasmin (Yaz) Khan. She likes her TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) and her Sonic Screwdriver (Does most things to anything unless it’s made of wood or deadbolt sealed). She likes knowing things and dislikes The Master (Other timelord who The Doctor has an on and off relationship with) as of the episode The Timeless Children.
Person 1: Hey I really hate The Thirteenth Doctor because she is a woman.
Person 2: That isn’t a valid argument because The Doctor is a genderfluid timelord.
Medical professional trained in the detection and treatment of ailments of the toe, specifically gout; ability to research best treatment via their personal compendium on; fantastic bedside manner providing handwritten sentiments to all patients under their care.
“I hurt my toe so my assistant immediately called Doctor Gowt. He gave me a chocolate bar and a note with hearts over the i’s”.
A teacher who is an undercover doctor for people who have platypussies. They often tend to look like a pedafile but it's because of their true inner self. They are the perfect people to help you with your platypussy problems
I went to him last week! He was he best Platypussy Doctor I've visited so far!!
Doctor Madness is an internationally recognized and published cosplayer, Artist, conceptual creator and Original Creation (OC) model and designer that has been published several times in both national and international websites and magazine. He and his other half debut costumes at a variety of conventions, fashion shows and other events as well as sometime judge other up and coming artist and their work. His real name is Phillip and you can find all sorts of photography of him and his miraculous designs of Facebook, Instagram, Tick-Tok and other online venues. This artist is definitely will one day be headlining conventions throughout the United States and other countries. You should spread the word and make him the success he truly deserves. Plus I have personally met him on several occasions and he is a great person with a truly intelligent and creative soul. I promise you will be impressed.
Doctor Madness is a recognized and valuable member of the artistry and cosplay community