Jerking off or to a deaf girls moans
Idk my buddy was talking about goth girls and someone else mentioned emo bands. Said death grips and defttones. Goth and emo bands
Hey Brian did you go out with Lenddy last night?
Yea, not to brag but she let me death grip to deft tones
This is a magical gorilla that got his nose punched off.he drinks bleach and is obese.he shall be known as juan Jose Batista
Go get that two toned flat nose gorilla out of here
Smile tone it’s kinda like the non-offensive way to say gay voice
Person one: Omg I looove ur gay accent.
Person two: Oh thank you but—umm it’s actually better to call it smile tone
When DK from seventeen rap with his nostril.
High-tone rap example: "Yo. My rapping is high tone~ high tone is high, my rap is high. My rap is going higher, keeping going higher just like a wind."
"We came from the stage earlier! All of you are nervous! Even tho I might look really nervous now but I'm not nervous! "
When someone says something so outlandish that you don't believe them.
I am the best looking guy in town! Friends reply: Okay Tone.
A patronizing tone used that often has sarcasm in the mix with a bit of frustration.
Nathan used a flip-tone with Alex.
as Noun:
( Frequency is the rate at which current changes direction per second. It is measured in hertz (Hz), an international unit of measure where 1 hertz is equal to 1 cycle per second. Hertz (Hz) = One hertz is equal to one cycle per second.
as GangsTalk:
(amplified) Hi. We're toning in today to get your attention. Please know there's a message in the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…
as used in a sentence:
"What in the HZ is that ringing in my ears again?"
Attack Plan | 9 NOISE CAMPAIGN Hz Tones
A Hz Frequency Tone generated by electronics (under normal conditions) or speakers broadcasted in the surroundings of a Targeted Individual "T.I.".
Can be used to communicate with a Stalker or T.I., in as simple as a single tone or as complex as an orchestra of tones.
(Is generally irritating to everyone except Truman)
Apps available on AppStore or Google Play.
Uhura (Voices): Truman, I'm receiving an encoded communication from StalkFleet.
Captain (Truman): On Viewscreen! Tones In Hz
Uhura: Its Audio Only babe. Opening a channel.
"HzZzZzZzZzZzZz lIllIlIllIlIllIlIll …"
Truman: Wanna build a snowman?
Voices: It's 'Sandcastle, Babe. We're laying on a beach.