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double vision

A sex act where you have a friend hide in the closet as you have sex with your girl facing an open window. Keep pulling out and playing with her till she stops looking back when you pull out. You then wave your friend out of closet and have him take over as you sneak out of the house and wave at her through the window.

guy 1: I finally got it through to Erin that it over.

guy 2: How did you do it.

guy 1: Me and Jay gave he the double vision

by slayerofable January 30, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vision Quest

When you smoke herb all night to the point where you cant see whatever is in front of you but in your mind you can see everything else.

Ted- Why are you so out of it? Red- Vision Quest...
Ted- Huh? Red- I needed to figure out the meaning of life so..

Ted- Vision Quest! Red- Exactly

by mjsgal December 12, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

vision cast

v. A shitty buzzword used by wannabe 'disruptors' instead of "envision" or "forecast". Also used a lot in the faith-based community, apparently, in the sense of communicating one's vision to impact others.

At the tech startup meetup, we vision casted the launch of our incubator over kombuchas and cold-pressed juice.

by akamoimoi August 26, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Riddle Vision

Campus television channel broadcasted within Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Prescott, Arizona.

"Were you watching Riddle Vision last night?! They had a movie that had lots of boobies!"

by Flight Team [mofo] December 28, 2005

77๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž

Visions Of Scion

A band from the Midwest, who other bands get jealous of just because they are going out of their way to be something in life, and other people don't like them because they are little babies and think VoS is so much better than them and they hate that.

OMG DUDE!!! Visions of Scion is so good, but I hate them and I don't want them to know I like them...I am going to go cry and sent them hate mail...my life sucks!

by Imma Snake February 18, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

jiggle vision

Jiggle vision resides in a good amount of games or anime, that have an unnatural amount of jiggling breast. examples are as such, DOA beach volleyball, Eikan Club, etc.

Sam: hey man, i just got a new game.
Erin: oh that game has Jiggle Vision, enjoy.

by BloodyFrenchToast June 18, 2014

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potato vision

Technical term for attaching a potato to the receiver/antenna of an old TV in order to pick up television channels more clearly.

Just one large potato and in no time youโ€™ll be watching snowy cbc games and sometimes, even the French channel comes in on potato vision.

by Captratbeard May 3, 2020

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