Cool kid Walter is an especially cool kid character found in outdated geography textbooks. Walter is usually found in some cool lid shades and his edgy Walkman.
Teacher- “open your books to page 34”
Students- *go wild because they see cool kid Walter*
If you‘re getting sick of someone who doesn’t care about rules. Or someone is trying to cheating you.
Someone is blathering about a subsequent event in a project meeting and try to convince the audience to follow his approach. Joe in the audience just asked Ed if he gets tired because his eyes are closed from time to time. He replies: “No, no... I am just having a Walter moment!”
A person who loves men and has a deep passion for shoving deep fried paint brushes up his anal cavity
"see that guy over there?" "yeah he is SUCH a Walter Sigel
he is a sack of potatoes that nobody likes and he is as big as a water buffalo. and he will eat all the food in a house
wheres all the food gone. OLIVER WALTER!!!!!!
The white bitch who outed Ricky Martin against his will. She's dead now, yay!
Barbara Walters: "You could stop these rumors," "You could say, 'Yes, I am gay or no I'm not.'"
Me: STHU, bitch he isn't ready!
Ricky Martin: (Oh shit this bitch has me!)
the residual sag in your old, stretched out whitey tighties.
"Dude, did you shit your pants?"... "Nah I'm just Walter Whiting"
a HEE HOO rat who can take over the world. She stars as the main protagonist in the new hit fanfiction: The Mistake.
Maya: Hey, is that a fool Man?
Taco Cheese: No, that's just Molly Walters.