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wheel money

To give someone that sloppy-toppy

Can you give me that wheel money

by JackKenoff August 23, 2019

Zeus wheel

The Best pussy or a pussy you remember forever.
Goddess like pussy.

I remember her Zeus wheel… it was the best pussy I ever had.

by Hummerlady September 17, 2023

dual wheeling

Actively wheeling two people at the same time.

"Dude, have you seen how much time Nick spends with Danielle and Sarah?"

"Yeah, he's totally dual wheeling them."

by Urbansaur February 8, 2017

aftermarket wheels

Fake boobs.

Yeah, she has aftermarket wheels.

by Mtbr March 24, 2018

coon wheel

A steering wheel which is small in diameter, designed so a car can be steered whilst the driver is handcuffed

"Aw Fuck, looks like leroy Boombaclat has escaped custody again, good job his car has a coon wheel fitted"

by sipukka October 22, 2021

Wheels up

The point in a journey where you have officially left your starting point and begun traveling to your destination. Your bags are loaded, your kids are strapped in, your fully gassed up, food is packed, and you can officially announce your ETA. For people who run late all the time, this communicates that you have completed procrastinating and are done going back inside to grab “one more thing”. It comes from aviation jargon where your wheels leave the runway and you can fold up the landing gear.

In order to arrive at the park by noon, we need to be wheels up by 11:30!
OK, homie, I am finally wheels up, be there in 10 minutes.

by mikearchie July 2, 2021

Snow wheeling

The act of going full yee yee in the white stuff banging gears and the sounds of rev limiter in the air

He is doing some epic snow wheeling

by Bambamshizzam December 26, 2020