Health anxiety created by googling your symptoms, ignoring page after page of reassuring data, then reading one line saying you'll be dead in 10 days with undiagnosed cancer, on websites such as "wrong-diagnosis-dot-com" or such like.
Mike, suffered a severe attack of "worst case scenarioism" characterized by: fear of imminent death, facing difficult music choices for his funeral, and excessive will writing.
The attack came on very suddenly as a result of googling his haemorrhoid symptoms.
a great deal.
Positive Desire: "I miss going to concerts in the worst way. I can't wait for things to get back to normal."
Negative Consequence: "Leaving the dishes in the sink overnight attracted ants in the worst way. Now we have to spend all morning cleaning them up."
When I give birth. *insert terrible screaming*
Please everyone have your ears shut, I am about to give birth! That's going to be the worst sound ever!
A phrase to say when someone tries to make a joke and/or comeback, but it ends up being completely unfunny.
Person 1: Wow, you really get no bitches huh?
Person 2: your mom is my bitch
Everyone else: Worst attempted bangers
*In Borat voice* My LiFe! Sorry... I'm not good at accents.
Hym "Yeah! I couldn't have put it better myself! A right-wing conspiracy nut's worst nightmare. Well, I mean, I COULD have put it better myself because I'm a genius and the greatest mind who has ever lived but it's-that's pretty good, yeah... And it's like 'Do you really have a stalker or are you just saying that because you know who I am and you know that I have a stalker and you want use my response to you SAYING you have a stalker (regardless of whether or not it's true) to justify your participation?' You know? Or 'Do you really have a paranoid schizophrenic brother or are you just saying that because you know who I am? Would you be saying any of this if I wasn't here?' It's like you want your behavior to be contingent on my behavior... Without my behavior being ONLY SELECTIVELY CONTINGENT on your behavior. If I do what you want, you're responsible. If I don't, it's on me. And it's NOT ANALOGOUS to MY behavior, because I take FULL CREDIT for the good and the bad. From dead kids to saved souls. Full credit."
The worlds worst youtube channel is The Animationologist.
This is someone who sucks at UNO so bad that you win every time.
Worst UNO player would be said like :“Dylan (the Canadian) lost 10 rounds of UNO to me…he sucks”