Source Code

ah dab

u say it after every sentence for no reason

i just eat ya mums ass, ah dab (actually dabs while says 'ah dab')

by dont@onthis February 1, 2018

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Ah Dirt

Something said as a cuss. Would be used in place of: ah fuck, ah shit, as god damn.

Wade yelled "ah dirt" as the beer was spilt on his head at the beach.

by ahdirt January 27, 2009

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Ah stop

A phrase used to show something as being a joke or being stupid.

To the dog...
Tight haircut Benji, ah stop.

by Ahstoppppp November 27, 2017

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action verb - def - (1) a phrase generally used when one is attempting to manifest great physical power from within (2) a saying used to show one's approval for another person's action or actions

Big John strait did work and kicked a big dude's ass:

(Big G)"Ah-Douken! Do Work!"

by Greg Loughenis October 24, 2008

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ah mark

ah mark are words that mean "mate" in English and it's currently popular in Cambodia

sart mark
thanks ah mark

by MoonOSja October 29, 2019

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Some one who can be bratty and irritable but is always there for you and is an awesome friend. They are always beautiful.

That Ah-Mei is a great listener!

by Missyy124 January 1, 2012

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1) this is the automated response to anything someone says that you don't care to hear, often as a way to pacify the speaker. The words "Oh really" run together in a sing-song fashion, to create one sound, "ah-rilly"

2) a sarcastic response to any statement to show disinterest to the speaker and frustrate them with obviously false excitement about the statement. Often followed by restating their words in question form with "then or.." at the end

1) Girl: So I have this crazy friend, he's so funny. You'd love him, his name is Nate, but we all call him "Middle Bee."

Guy: Ah-rilly.

2) Douche-Bro: Dude did you see when I rolled past that all those fine bishes were staring at me?

Dude-bro: Ah-rilly? Did they stare at you then or...?

Douche-Bro: yeah dude, it was crazy bro!

Dude-bro: Aaah- Ah-rilly? Was it crazy then or...?

Douche-Bro: (sad look after realizing he's been mocked)

*As seen in MTV's I USED TO BE FAT with Trainer Joey

by TrainerJoeyMTV July 21, 2011

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