Ashton's are the absolute best, most wonderful, kind and considerate people, they always think of others before themselves and their hearts are big enough for everyone, they're always givers, which may be their fatal flaw, but they give so much love that they're bound to get lots in return. Their eyes are the most beautiful things you'll ever see, even if a little wonky, but that's ok, asymmetrical faces are the best. Their eyes are like the most beautiful clear blue skies over the most gorgeous fields of flowers freshly damp from a spring rainstorm. You could fall in love with them for their faces alone and never fall out of love with them. Like a drug, you get addicted and can't live without them, they're the best thing that could ever happen upon you. If you find an Ashton you should give them all of your love, as they will to you, and make them the happiest person on the planet as they deserve to be. No matter what you do, they will always love you and care about you with a passion that's hard to match unless you're dating a Scorpio. Ashton's deserve the world, and can very quickly become yours if you give them a chance.
"oh my god, you know and ashton? I wish I knew an Ashton."
"Ashton is so kind and sweet it just makes me want to melt"
Hmmmm where can I start he has a gigantic shlong and he makes every Ming weep
A person who try’s to hard to be funny and popular and says “did i ask“ to much and they are whiter then olaf.
Dude you’re being such an Ashton just stop
A kid that try’s to hard to be popular and funny and keeps saying “did i ask” to much. Is whiter then olaf.
Your being such an ashton
A long line of diagnosed idiots. Usually tends to contain baby like features, and earns sympathy from others concerned about such a condition.
Doctor: I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do, your just an ashton