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Backwards Brazilian Jackhammer

When a girl puts on a strap on and fucks a man in the butt while she jacks him off at the same time.

she gives the best backwards brazilian jackhammer.

by The Jachammer September 2, 2011

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backwards cigar

a blunt or a joint

hey whats that?
this, its a backwards cigar

by beavis1234554321 May 9, 2006

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Backwards Parking Motherfucker

The Backwards Parking Motherfucker, or BPM, does not park their car like normal drivers do. He/she will do a twelve point turn to get their car into a parking spot, with the car hood facing out towards the driveway.

The Backwards Parking Motherfucker will hog prime spots close to the front door of an establishment, with their rear bumper up practically on the sidewalk.

At the wal-mart supercenter, I saw a backwards parking motherfucker making a ten point turn into a handicapped spot. The dude walked out briskly without a limp.

by boggler August 12, 2016

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holla backwards

The ill emcee way to say holla back.

"The way I blazed this verse makes ya think im β€œtoken phrases”/
I already raised my win/loss record, your still shootin gazes/

IM OUT YA'LL!! holla backwards!

by Darke April 10, 2003

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fuck me running backwards

an expression of heightened disbelief at an incident or occurrence, similar to fuck me running, but implying even more depth of utter disbelief at that which is becoming known to you at the given moment. Denotes the purest amazement that the truly unthinkable has really just occurred.

John says, "Hey! Did you hear Hillary won the election?" and Fred says, "Well... Fuck me running backwards!"

by Hunter Farley May 13, 2008

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Backwards Bullriding Cowgirl

A disturbing position

Paige loves backwards bullriding cowgirl.

by Dereklovespaige January 8, 2010

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backward mung snort

The act of swallowing excess from a mung milking incident. This is done by tilting the head back and snorting inward via the nose in combination with sucking in via an the lower lip - thus effectively cleaning the mung milk from the entire area between nose and upper lip.

Man, did you see that snot - snorter? That crumb did a backward mung snort and got rid of his whole ghetto baby mustache in one shot!

by moydog September 3, 2008

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