All UD Dumbass Editors. They’re all stupid and made up off e-girl 14 year olds. They whine and cry and reject good definitions. If a UD editor is reading this, fuck you. UD Editors are the equivalent of Discord Mods.
UD Dumbass Editors when they see this: Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! This guy is calling me a dumbass idiot!!!!!!!! Waaaaaaa!!!!!!!
A slang meaning used in the editing comunity on any social networking platform you can post videos on. For ones edits to be creatively well done, smooth transitions or to have a song match the characteristics of a person/character. (Example a character that is more happy you would use a more happy song same with sad, badass, ect.)
The editing group hate hero has godly editors in it.
An editor that edits on his phone, specifically an android phone. Most of them are weird editors from America that don't even have free healthcare. Has no hoes, and says that he edits jugg, kinda cringe, ngl.
"Did you see that jugg edit that i sent you?"
"From that dumb american android editor?"
"Yeah, I think his name is Kilo"
"Lmao what a broke american dumbass, edits on android".
A Happy Editor is an editor on who says yes to every definition no matter how racist or mean it may be.
Wow look at that Happy editor, I cant believe he published that!
word Why did the chicken cross the road?
def: because he was dead!
editor 1: haha rofl
editor 2: no, denied
editor 1: you have too pub! Editor Guideline 6!
“Hey who’s your favourite editor”
“Mine is @roserussells”
“Why is she your favourite”
“She’s my comfort editor”