Source Code

Betty Crocker

A female ho or slut likes it hard and long.
"Moist, easy, and ready to spread."

With the coin I'm spending, she better be all betty crocker tonight.

by D Ska August 24, 2008

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Bouncing Betty

Bouncing Betty- 1. an old flame or ex-girlfriend that never let go who pops up stirs up all kinds of old crap then disappears, an emotional land mine that pops up out of the bush to chest level and sprays shrapnel.
2. a woman or ex girlfriend who just bounces in and out of one's life
These are best spotted and disarmed prior to explosion. The best way to do this is to leave them under a BIG rock.

Bra I got this Bouncing Betty who lost her virginity to me who keeps popping up and telling me she's in a miserable abusive relationship.

Bra I have had this Bouncing Betty that I have been friends with for years, but we only talk when she's going through some shit with her old man.

by nineuvcps June 16, 2010

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bouncing betty

A sweet-looking gal who hides that she's a natural man-eater. A woman who works relationships and men over, for her own benefit.

Willis: "I'm tellin' you. Watch out for her... she looks nice, but she'll do you in. She's a Bouncing Betty"
Arnold: "Whatchootalkin'bout, Willis?"
Willis: "Boom!"

by Paul Pangrazzi November 7, 2003

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Sweaty betty

The events that transpire after a very fuckin large Bong rip or other hoot of sorts.

(Usually the type of rips that make you cough for 2 minutes straight, make you feel like you just did p90x, and sweat profusely)

โ€œHoly fuck buddy, that rip was a sweaty Bettyโ€

by lightning619 April 18, 2020

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bitchen betty

A military warning system utilizing a female voice .

The operator sent out a warning using a bitchen betty to inform the troops.

by R2CUL8_1 November 22, 2015

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Betty Christian

Someone (usually a girl) who makes a big show of being a Christian by always wearing Christian teeshirts, listening to Christian music, constantly talking about going to church, and always keeps a Bible on their night stand, etc...

"Ugh, I can't stand that girl... even though I tell her I don't want to, she keeps inviting me to her church and telling me I should read the Bible... she is such a Betty Christian!"

by M_A_P April 28, 2007

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bettie beck

fuckin awesome juggalette. not one to fuck around with. short but sweet.

person: hi bettie
bettie beck: yo

by mmfcl homie October 6, 2008

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