Source Code

Condom breaker

A really bratty child who is so awful they could not have been voluntarily conceived

The condom breakers stole our wood

*witnesses bratty behaviour in public * Woah that’s a condom breaker

by Steeeeve2 February 5, 2024

Susie dick breaker

Someone slacking falling behindActing like a whiny baby

Get your butt moving stop being a Susie dick breaker

by DarrenHelen July 21, 2022

Wrist Breaker

A "Wrist Breaker" is know as a gallon Liquor bottle or Iced Tea jug that has a handle. Such examples are a gallon bottle of Captain Morgan, Jim Beam, Moonshine or a gallon plastic jug of Turner's Tea (Southwestern PA/Pittsburgh area known). While drinking/chugging straight from the bottle/jug will put strain on a wrist thus referencing to a "wrist breaker".

Hey Jimmy whats your plans for Friday night? Well Steve I'm gonna head down to the liquor store and get a couple of wrist breakers and head out to Brianna's bonfire. Damn Jimmy, Wrist Breakers? Count me in, I'm down to clown Friday night

by KeepinItReal99 March 17, 2020

Stitch Breaker

Someone who helped you recover from your last failed relationship, but turns around and either cheats on you or breaks your heart again.

"UGH, He/She is such a STITCH BREAKER!
"He helped me break up with my ex and he just went and cheated on me! He is such a stitch Breaker.

by Kiwi Chan April 25, 2020

Barrier Breaker

To leave something in the dark without everyone knowing, then suddenly announcing and startling everyone.

Samantha was being a Barrier Breaker by hiding her friends present until last.

by Theobes September 21, 2021

Rainbow Breaker

The person who ruins a good moment.

Person: "Dude, this carnival is so awesome!" Rainbow Breaker: "I'd rather be home, feeding my cat."

by LikeOmfgItsKelsey September 4, 2010

girl breaker

A thing that can break a girls heart. Most of the time a boys ugly face. Or the way a boy talks and breaks the girl knowing she will never be with him.

Tati walked down the hallway and looked at Koby. He's such a girl breaker!

by Cammdown April 3, 2016