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score chaser

Someone who snapchats and keeps streaks with anyone and everyone,even if they don't like or know them, just to raise their score.

Gosh dang! Ryan is such a score chaser.

by beeg beeg August 9, 2019

table chaser

A broke girl who allows successful men with bottle service at clubs to do whatever they want to them in exchange for drinks and a place to sit.

My boy and I celebrated with a table at Minibar. We were surrounded by table chasers once the waitress brought over the bottle of Belvedere. Later that night we ran the train on those sluts. It was amazing.

by dis4ryan May 31, 2011

Tater Chaser

/n/: Chubby chaser. A man whose sexual persuasion is fat chicks. Especially TaterChaser67

I heard Barrack Obama is a Tater Chaser.

by Taterchaser67 October 27, 2010

chimp chaser

White women that go for the black man

My cousin denise is a chimp chaser

by darth veiner January 12, 2015

Enemy Chaser

Probably one of the best weapon pickup in Metal Slug series. The Enemy Chaser consists of small homing missiles which can engage all type of targets. The warheads are similar to the Rocket Launcher but smaller, faster and dealing less explosion. Weakness is unable to cause high damage on armoured vehicles. It is also very useful to find hidden objects and POWs alike.

The weapon comes in yellow boxes marked with black uppercase C, usually containing 40 cartridges (except Metal Slug 6 and 7/XX).

Me and my older bro always compete to pick the Enemy Chaser on multiplayers.

by Nijihara Kalinin May 15, 2020


A male not of color pursuing African American females

Chip is now a chocolate-chaser after watching the new Nikki Minaj video.

by Interracial relationship August 29, 2019

Clout chaser

Someone who will do/ show anything on the internet to gain attention or “acceptance

“Hey did you see Justin and Hussein post all that weed and guns acting like it’s theirs”

“Yea bro, they That’s what we call a clout chaser

by Paperchasing January 10, 2020