Clear Ice- rly it's just mint Chip..
"Yo that shiii taste like mint chip not Clear Ice"
When a doctor/professor wants to know if you understood the gibberish he/she just said.
Warfarin blocks the intrinsic pathway, ok, are you getting my point?, clear now?
When you are still drunk the morning after and you don’t wanna start drinking again.....yet.
‘Hey broski, you gunna get that $8 IPA’ ‘Nope, I got beers to clear’
bleach but its clear and can be mistaken for water
little timmy almost drinked crystal clear bleach because he thought it was water
When Xbox support tries to make its customers more happy even though they haven’t done anything at all.
Person A: look! Xbox has solved their multiplayer issue! It says all clear!
Person B: Nope.
When you feel aware of your surroundings (tiktok lingo, not the matrix one)
"omg guys I'm off my meds I'm so clear pilled!"
psychic-clearing is the ability to 'clear' the mind of all false data so that only the information you want is in your mind.
The psychic ability to rid the mind of all illusions {lies told to one's self} and delusions {lies told you by others} so that one can think his own original thoughts.
The ability to 'accept' and 'reject' information into the psyche at will.
The MetaPsychics term for The Process of 'erasing' false information from the mind so that 'The Psi Mind'. or 'Super-Conscious Mind' can emerges once the psychic mind is cleared of false data.
By Psychic-clearing one can experience a 'bliss' state of mind.