The side of dunkin' donuts where the crack heads of north merrick go to get high and fuck around with their friends. A very disturbing sight to see
Did you guys see the crackies at crackhead corner!
When the two pornstars are ugly af that they look like crackheads.
I love watching crackhead porn.
Angie is such a crackhead she’s so crazy :)🥵😪🇲🇽🤷🏻 ♀️
Living crackhead=Hipper and running around all the time and supper crazy dosent now how to spell and stuff like me-angie if yk yk :))) HOES MAD
Tweaker inventions
Crackhead legos is When people on drugs invent thing while tweaked out
On this day January 19th is a day where you can be a crackhead and nobody can yell at you. This day you can be as goofy as you want or as crazy as you want. Do whatever you want.
Student: (dancing and singing in the halls) " Don't you wish your girlfriend is hot like me. Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?"
Teacher: "Why are you dancing and singing in the halls? You are being too loud! Detention!"
Student: "You can't do that it is NAtional Crackhead Day which means I could do anything I want without being in trouble."
An ill advised and unsuccessful attempt to challenge an established (though perhaps blatantly unconstitutional) law with a case that is destined to lose, characteristically featuring a less than ideal (Guilty, for starters!) client who is usually already found guilty of something. Also refers to the bad case law resulting from that attempt, often long lasting.
A visible historical example is US v. Miller, 1939.
"We wanted the question answered in a good case on behalf of law-abiding, decent people instead of the usual way that Second Amendment cases had gone up through the court in cases like US vs. crackhead, US vs. bank robber." -- Alan Gura
when two best friends (the crackheads) think the same thoughts or say the same thing out loud
(really annoying person walks by) crackhead one: wow i hate her
crackhead two : i hate her so much
either crackhead : crackhead telepathy!