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Crackhead Corner

The side of dunkin' donuts where the crack heads of north merrick go to get high and fuck around with their friends. A very disturbing sight to see

Did you guys see the crackies at crackhead corner!

by Snazzy Duckling January 22, 2021

crackhead porn

When the two pornstars are ugly af that they look like crackheads.

I love watching crackhead porn.

by Tacomike215 April 10, 2017

Living crackhead

Angie is such a crackhead she’s so crazy :)🥵😪🇲🇽🤷🏻 ♀️

Living crackhead=Hipper and running around all the time and supper crazy dosent now how to spell and stuff like me-angie if yk yk :))) HOES MAD

by Butthole lulululu September 23, 2019

Crackhead legos

Tweaker inventions

Crackhead legos is When people on drugs invent thing while tweaked out

by Pridegirl101 February 3, 2019

National Crackhead Day

On this day January 19th is a day where you can be a crackhead and nobody can yell at you. This day you can be as goofy as you want or as crazy as you want. Do whatever you want.

Student: (dancing and singing in the halls) " Don't you wish your girlfriend is hot like me. Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?"
Teacher: "Why are you dancing and singing in the halls? You are being too loud! Detention!"
Student: "You can't do that it is NAtional Crackhead Day which means I could do anything I want without being in trouble."

by The_OG_CrAcKhEaD January 19, 2021

US vs. Crackhead

An ill advised and unsuccessful attempt to challenge an established (though perhaps blatantly unconstitutional) law with a case that is destined to lose, characteristically featuring a less than ideal (Guilty, for starters!) client who is usually already found guilty of something. Also refers to the bad case law resulting from that attempt, often long lasting.

A visible historical example is US v. Miller, 1939.

"We wanted the question answered in a good case on behalf of law-abiding, decent people instead of the usual way that Second Amendment cases had gone up through the court in cases like US vs. crackhead, US vs. bank robber." -- Alan Gura

by Yellowfin2 October 2, 2009

crackhead telepathy

when two best friends (the crackheads) think the same thoughts or say the same thing out loud

(really annoying person walks by) crackhead one: wow i hate her

crackhead two : i hate her so much

either crackhead : crackhead telepathy!

by crackheaduwu October 15, 2019