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Giving one's daily dose of zinc

euphemism for ejaculating into your girlfriend or boyfriend's mouth

-Justin gave Orally her daily dose of zinc :^)

- hell yeah Giving one's daily dose of zinc is my favorite activity boii

by Orally June 25, 2017

Daily Morning Power Call

Something that if companies had, would make them unimaginably more successful. - James Marshall

"imagine how much more successful companies would be if they had a Daily Morning Power Call" - James Marshall

by Golden James Marshall February 6, 2019

Neon Daily

The most famous news source in the CL Empire, made in Neon.

Neon Daily has my trust.

by Randonarchy April 3, 2021

daily sauce

when you have good post or videos for people with really dark humor for example people dying, animal abuse, muder, pov shootings,torture ect

"yall i got the daily sauce

by Asian persuasion April 10, 2019

Daily Chat

A horrible place you will regret being in for too long, only good the 1st day, except pre-2022. You'll probably find people saying "nyaa~ :3c" in it. Just comment GG on the daily level. Please.

I use the geometry dash daily chat!
Why do people think I am a femboy?

by FakeWeezerRiff September 1, 2023

daily chat

a chatroom in the geometry dash daily level's comment section, mostly made up of annoying 8 year olds using the cat icon and that never shut up. one day I'm gonna grind them all into a paste and spread the paste on my toast i can't fucking stand them

"yo man the daily chat sucks now"


"btw sussy obama balls fard"

"get the fuck out of my house"

"no u"

by Yevle (cool) March 26, 2022

Daily channel

A channel with little to no effort on it and most of them are fortnite emotes eg. Swipeitdaily, Infinitedabdaily ect

I have a daily channel called dabdaily

by Swipeitdaily October 15, 2018